Showing posts with label adele. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adele. Show all posts

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Adele done gone busted her voice again

adele crying

Post by: Diva Devotee
Adele has been plagued by vocal problems throughout her meteoric career.

But now, perhaps saddest for her, the voice has given way just two days before the end of her self-titled world tour on home turf at Wembley Stadium. Clearly heartbroken, Adele took to her Twitter to announce the news and explain the sorrow she feels letting both fans and herself down.

Take a read:

Friday, 16 December 2016

Adele, Demi Lovato and Lady Gaga Tackle "All I want For Christmas" In The Carpool Karaoke

An extra festive version of The Late Late Show's Carpool karaoke has made its way to YouTube today. Featuring many of the stars who've hitched a ride with James over the series, the video sees them unite to tackle the gargantuan, All I want For Christmas.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Adele Reminds Us 25 Is Still In Shops By Releasing "Send My Love" Video

It's almost like the Adele whirlwind of last year blew through as quickly as it touched down. With the Diva currently on tour, the promotion of her latest album appears to have taken a back seat. Even so, 25 still occupies a spot on the top-ten worldwide album charts, over half a year since its release!

Thursday, 25 February 2016

[Watch] Adele Brings Strained Rendition of "When We Were Young" to 2016 BRIT Awards

Adele didn't have the best of time at the Grammys- read: out of tune. However, back on home soil, and (arguably) on the award show that catapulted her to super stardom, the Diva appeared more relaxed.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

[Watch] Adele Bottles It With 2016 Grammy Performance

The 2016 Grammy Awards should have been the cherry atop Adele's triumphant return sundae. Unfortunately technical cock-ups on the night saw the Diva delivering her worst performance to date.

Clearly taking it all in good spirit, the singer-songwriter tweeted the following:

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Adele Careers Into Nicki Minaj's Lane With Carpool Karaoke Session

adele james corden carpool

James Corden's series of celebrity carpools for The Late Late Show has already managed to create some iconic moments in its relatively short existence.

Who could forget Mariah Carey's stiff as an arthritic Tin Man wine? Or Jennifer Hudson releasing the beast and somehow not blowing out the car windows as she belted And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going. But today's ride around London town, featuring Adele, might have just surpassed them all in terms of entertainment value.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Celine Dion Not So Successfully Attempts Adele's "Hello"

When people lazily throw out the word "overrated" when speaking about Adele, the easiest way I find to help them see that this isn't quite fair is to show them someone else singing her material. After all, if she was overrated, surely anyone could do what she does.

Monday, 7 December 2015

[Watch] Sia Outclasses X-Factor Contestants With Impresseive Rendition Of "Alive"

sia uk xfactor 2015

Sia touched down on the UK shores this weekend to sing at the X-Factor semi-finals.

Tackling the Adele co-penned Alive, the Diva gained widespread praise for her performance, which featured her atop a magical box. Part of me wonders if the acclaim was more so for the unique staging than the song or the vocals -which admittedly were spot on. But I suppose, ultimately, it doesn't really matter since the desired effect was achieved. It got err'one talking!

Monday, 30 November 2015

[What It Sound Like?] Adele - "Million Years Ago"

Witness the birth of a new feature on the site! Well, maybe. It all depends on how this post goes, and if and when I suffer another one of these annoying moments. Anyway, behold the “What it sound like?” post.

Today's track comes from the career wrecking ball that is Adele’s new LP, 25. Titled Million Years Ago, the song is an evocative slice of retro ruminations where our British belle is remembering simpler times before the fame morphed her world into the horrendous nightmare it is now.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Adele Reveals Increase In Vocal Range and How Throat Surgery and Pregnancy impacted Her Voice

This sure has been an Adele heavy week. Only three posts and all about the returning Diva. Well, today is no different (obviously), but it's not about the new album or new music. It's about her instrument and how it has changed in the last few years.

Spilling her own tea to Graham Norton for her BBC special, Adele's first revelation was how being up the duff changed her voice- something I wish more Divas would comment on- saying, "In pregnancy my voice got a lot lower, which is why Skyfall is so low, I couldn't get up that high". A timely explanation for me, since only this week I noticed how much stress was present on that top note, despite it only being in the fourth octave (Bb4).Oddly, pregnancy seemed to have the opposite effect on Mariah carey, whose voice soared during the incubating of her twins.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Adele Hits An Impressive Eb5 In Live showing of New Song "When We Were Young"

With 25 being released on Friday, you best believe Adele is going to be EVERYWHERE.

With a BBC hour long special already recorded and hyped, a new clip has been released of the Diva's 60 Minutes special for Australian television. Amongst the interview excerpts, we are shown snippets of two new songs. It was the first, When We Were Young, that caught my attention, seeming to show some real vocal growth.

Demi Lovato Covers Adele's "Hello" @ KISS FM’s "Fall Ball"

Demi Lovato didn't do the best of jobs when she tackled the American national anthem a few weeks back. However, it was a different story this weekend in Seattle, where the Diva covered Adele's monster comeback hit, Hello.

Monday, 9 November 2015

[Live] Adele Tackles "Hello" @ The 2015 NRJ Awards

We've all been waiting to hear how Adele's instrument is currently handing in a live setting after her protracted break. Well we wait no longer, as the Diva took to the stage at NRJ Awards to sing her massive comeback hit, Hello.

Monday, 26 October 2015

[Vocal Profile] Adele

Vocal Type: Mezzo-soprano
Vocal Range: 2 octaves and 3 notes  (C3- F5)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Strengths:  Adele is a Diva whose strength comes from her delivery and adherence to melody, rather than showy tricks or vocal gymnastics. Though able to hold notes [Skyfall], sing melisma [First Love], and jump octaves [Hometown Glory], she chooses to employ a simpler, bluesy vocal styling that keeps the understandability of her lyrics at the fore.

Adele's lower range is dark and solid. She appears to be comfortable enough here, being able to replicate notes hit in the studio when in a live setting

Adele's midrange is feminine, sweet and of medium weight. With an easy and effortless quality, it is the part of the range that is most lyrical [Lovesong]. It is also emotively versatile, with the Diva being able to inject a number of emotions into her delivery. For instance, Rumour Has It is direct and tinged with attitude; Make you Feel My Love is soft and forlorn; while Rolling in the Deep is clear and cool in its proud spite.

Friday, 23 October 2015

[First Impressions] Adele - "Hello"

Adele has gone and done a sneak attack, dropping a new song, and its video, without any (bar that advert during the X-Factor) fanfair.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Pharrell Puts Adele In The Same Vocal League As Mariah And Whitney!!! Is He Wrong, Though?

Pharrell Williams seems hell bent on getting a collaboration with British singer-songwriter Adele- run for you life, girl! How else do you explain him putting the Diva in the same vocal bracket as actual legends, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston?

Monday, 29 September 2014

[New Music] Aretha Franklin Covers Adele's "Rolling In The Deep"

"Drunk aunt" pretty much sums up my thoughts on this, must have been a one-take, cover by Aretha Franklin of Adele's  Rolling in the Deep. The addition of  Ain't No Mountain High Enough at the end is just as unexpected as some of the weird vocal choices made by the Diva, but I can see why the producer added it. Aretha's improv sounds better, and less jarring, over that than the Rolling in the Deep backing.

Monday, 1 September 2014

[Listen] New Adele Music Leaks Onto The Internet

To those jonesing for some new Adele, the universe has been kind enough to have two unreleased songs from the Diva leak onto the internet. GO UNIVERSE!

Monday, 25 February 2013

[Watch] Adele Performs "Skyfall" (And Picks Up An Oscar, Too) @ The 2013 Ceremony

adele singing oscar

How in the hell is Adele going to top this era- I can't even fathom! Having just sailed past the 25 million mark with worldwide sales of album 21, yesterday saw the British Belle pick up an Academy Award for the theme song of the latest Bond film, Skyfall.

Winning the Best Original Song gong, Adele now adds the prestigious title of "Oscar winner" to the multitude of other accolades she has accrued in her short time in the industry. But Adele didn't just settle for picking up the award- Nope. This lady is generous, and as such, gave those who attended the show a live performance of the Oscar/Brit/Golden Globe winning Skyfal.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

[New Music] Adele's New Bond Song, "Skyfall"

This hasn't been confirmed as the new Bond song, Skyfall, from Adele, but listening to it it's easy to hear why people are claiming it to be just that.

It clearly features vocals from Adele, has the Bond theme interwoven throughout and, if those weren't big enough clues, it has the word "Skyfall" in the chorus!!

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