Wednesday 27 May 2015

[ Full Set ] Florence + The Machine @ Radio 1' Big Weekend 2015

Florence + The Machine are once again on the festival trail, building hype for their third LP, How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

[Review] Eurovision 2015

The only institution that matters in Europe convened for its annual meeting this weekend. That's right, it's Eurovision Song Contest time!

Ongoing for almost 60 years, this behemoth is more than just a song contest. Its flawed voting system has made it the most trustworthy barometer of European political relations that currently exists. You best believe if you've pissed someone off that year, that it's going to be reflected in the score you get at the end of the night. It's all so shady, and I love it!

Unfortunately, I was in Brighton giving my liver a kicking, so missed the live festivities this year. But once again, Eurovision has made all our lives easier by uploading- very swiftly I should add- all the performances to YouTube. Thus we can all watch them together, like one happy, dysfunctional family!

As per 2013, I will watch each performance ONCE and give my immediate reaction. The order of the videos is exactly how I watched them.

Friday 22 May 2015

[Free For All Friday]

Off to the dentist for a cleaning...*shudders*!!!!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

[New Music] Monica Returns With "Just Right For Me"

Monica keeps flopping on me. I'm not talking in terms of sales- though she is flopping at that too. I'm speaking on her decision to keep releasing singles that follow the formula she stumbled upon back in 2003 with the (admittedly great) So Gone.

[ New Music ] Florence and The Machine Regain My Attention With "Delilah"

The output from Florence and The Machine's third album, How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful, thus far has failed to capture my attention the way previous releases from the collective have. The LP's fourth single, Delilah, FINALLY changes that- praise the Lord!

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Christina Aguilera Delivers Controlled (and Gorgeous) Vocal On "Anywhere But Here"

Christina Aguilera's contribution to Finding Neverland: The Album (Songs From the Broadway Musical) has been uploaded to YouTube in its entirety.

Monday 18 May 2015

[Discuss] Taylor Swift Shows Us A Strong Woman Is a Sexual Woman with "Bad Blood" Video! #Girlpower

Taylor Swift's video for Bad Blood was causing waves before it was even released. And it's no wonder they were hyping it so early; having seen it now, it looks like a small fortune was spent on it.