Wednesday 13 May 2015

[Music Video] Britney Spears' "Pretty Girls" Continues to Be "Fancy" Pt.2

So we've already established how Pretty Girls is Fancy pt. 2. Well the video does nothing to challenge this connection with an aesthetic that swipes its '90s-inspired, Clueless visuals too.

But there is some levity to be found, with a little skit midway and a zany narrative that sees Iggy the alien abduct my child, Britney Spears. The sad thing is, I'm not entirely sure Britney got that this was a music video and not real life. The excited look of happiness on her face, when the transporter beam narrows in on her, leads me to believe she thought her life of servitude to the record label and her dad was finally over. #freebritney

[New Music] Sia Adds Dark Twist to "California Dreamin" Cover

The Mamas and The Papas' California Dreamin' is up there as one my favourite songs EVAH.

Hearing that Sia was going to be covering the iconic track for the movie San Andreas was thus an exciting prospect! Well the full track has hit the webz and I'm (on first listen) undecided on the result.

Monday 11 May 2015

[New Music] Leona Lewis Declares Emancipation With "Fire Under My Feet"

Speaking of American Idol getting cancelled, (perhaps) Britain's own biggest talent show export, Leona Lewis, has returned with new music! It feels like it's been too long, lady!

Fire Under My Feet is immediately different from anything we've heard from the Diva, being earthy and less processed than her other lead singles. Pushed on by a driving drum beat, the track documents the singer's newly found drive which has grown from the split with mentor and discoverer Simon Cowell.

[Discuss] RIP American Idol

The death knell has tolled for American Idol, with plans for the atrophying show to come to an end after its fifteenth season (scheduled to be airing in 2016).

Friday 8 May 2015

[Free For All Friday]

Today we find out who our new prime minister is...exciting!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

[Listen] Mariah Carey Smashes Whistle Notes In Secret Recordings From Caesar's Palace Rehearsals

Some jammie dodger has only managed to sneak out audio from Mariah Carey's rehearsals for her upcoming residency at The Coliseum at Caesar's Palace.

I don't even want to hear people claiming these whistles are lipped!

Particularly telling of their authenticity is hearing her slide into one of the notes at 3.34. Sure, the belts are sounding heavy and slightly cumbersome, but hey, I'd rather have live and rearranged renditions than lipped and delusional feats of fakery. That's not to say I think Mariah can't still hit those notes. It's just those great vocal days are rare. Although, maybe she's purposely keeping the high/mixed belts under wraps, since it's only a rehearsal. Not long to find out either way.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

[New Music] Britney Spears Feat. Iggy Azalea - "Pretty Girls"

The impact Iggy Azalea's Fancy made when it was released last year was lost on me from zee outset. The obnoxious hook and weak (The Invisible Men/The Arcade) production that inspired such love from others, had me experiencing mild revulsion whenever the song played.