Wednesday 17 December 2014

Madonna Reacts to Album Leaking

With no release date, or even sign of a first single in sight, the entirety of Madonna's new album- at least a demo version of it- has leaked onto the internet! Saints preserve us!

Friday 12 December 2014

[Free For All Friday]

Today I go to a disco ice skating event. I've never skated before, so I imagine I'm going to end the day missing (at best) a few digits or (at worst) a limb.  

If you don't know the score, here be the rules:
  • Try not to get too perverted- this site needs to basically be "safe for work".
  • If somebody starts a controversial subject, try keeping it civil when dealing with it. If things get out of hand please flag the conversation.
  • It would be nice if it stuck to music, but it's not a requirement! So talk about news, current events, how you're getting your hair done next time you hit the hairdresser! Whateves, really!
  • No nasty comments aimed at other users.
Inappropriate hugs to all of y'all (hi-fives to the underagers), and wishing you an awesome weekend!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Divas Rule YouTube's Most Peeped Music Videos of 2014

The top ten most viewed YouTube music videos of 2014 has been released by the internet giant. On the list there are a few surprises -namely Enrique Iglesias and Sia- but it'll come as no real shock that all the visuals were for pretty big chart hits.

The real good news though, 8 out of the 10 entries are female singers! Divas getting money!

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Ellie Goulding Gives A Visually stunning Rendition Of "How Long Will I Love You" @ Royal Variety Show

Ellie Goulding was another Diva (in addition to Demi Lovato and Dame Shirley Bassey) roped into singing at this year's Royal Variety Show.

The staging for the performance of How Long Will I Love You was undoubtedly beautiful from the outset. However the song- which isn't one of my favorites- didn't pick up until the backing vocals kicked in at the two minute mark. It was at this point that Ellie did a complete U-turn for me, changing gear and imbuing the vocal with a much needed increase in emotion and skill.

Demi Lovato Brings "Let It Go" To Royal Variety Show 2014

Two Demi Lovato posts in as many days! People will start to talk if this trend persists!!

Today's post is solely about Demi- no other singers cluttering up the stage here- and her appearance at the Royal Variety Show, where she got to sing in front of British Royalty and other supposedly important people. Lucky her!

Shirley Bassey Covers "The Lady Is A Tramp" @ The 2014 Royal Variety Show

Dame Shirley Bassey is racking up these Royal Variety Show performances- this being her ninth!

Looking and sounding absolutely magnificent, the Diva owned the stage on the night in only the way a seasoned professional ever could. Singing her cover of The Lady Is A Tramp, Bassey's voice was so resonant in its sound I'm almost convinced the microphone wasn't even needed!

Ever the Lady, Shirley said of performing: "It just gets better and better. It was an honour to be a part of this year’s show and to share the stage with such great talent."

Class act!

Monday 8 December 2014

[Watch] Demi Lovato Replaces Ariana Grande During "Bang Bang" Live Showing

Ariana Grande move over! Demi Lovato is the vocalist we really deserved for the Jessie J collaboration extravaganza that was Bang Bang. And thanks to a live showing in San Jose, CA, we finally got to hear how the song could have sounded if a punchier vocalist had taken up the reigns of the track's second vocalist.