Tuesday 25 February 2014

Janelle Monae Tributes The Jackson 5 @ BET Honors

Honoring the Jackson 5 at the 2014 BET Honors was everyone's favorite Electric Lady: Janelle Monae!

The monochromatic-loving Diva managed to nicely capture the essence of the young Jacko's voice while covering Want You Back and ABC. But she wasn't just content singing! Janelle also rocked the choreography, putting on an energetic and exuberant show for the distinguished crowd.

Side note: has anyone seen Janelle Monae and Bruno Mars together at the same time. The more I see of the pair, the more I'm convinced they're the same person. Anyone who disagrees is clearly in on the ruse- so don't even try it!

J Hud Honors Aretha Franklin (AGAIN) @ 2014 BET Honors

I feel like I've seen Jeniffer Hudson perform more of Aretha Franklin's material than I have her own. Still, she's one of a few Divas who has the requisite pipes to do the material justice.

The BET Honors saw the Diva cover a medley of Aretha's hits. Obvious inclusions were Rock Steady, Think and Respect, but there were some lessor known songs like Sparkle's Look Into Your Heart, too. (And that's where the video kept breaking for me, so I can't really add any more!)

Though the Diva struggled on some of the lower notes (from what I saw), there were no such problems at the top of the range- girl was WAILING!

This was another fitting tribute to the Queen of Soul. And that's lucky too, because Aretha ain't afraid of shading anyone!

Mariah Carey "Sings" "You're Mine (Eternal)" @ 2014 BET Honours

We already heard the leaked recording of Mariah Carey singing You're Mine (Eternal) at the 2014 BET Honours after some cheeky chappy uploaded the audio straight after the ceremony was taped. Well yesterday finally saw the show televised, giving us the opportunity to watch Mariah belt out the ballad for the first time ever.

Not having had the luxury of seeing Mariah's actions/ mannerisms while singing, or even having heard the song prior to the leak, I initially thought Mimi sounded live when I heard the audio. However, watching the accompanying visuals, the whole thing looks lipped- and almost comically so.

Now, I'm not sure if that's down to the editing, or if they went in and dubbed bits, but it looked SOOO lipped. The oddest thing about it was how consistent the voice remained throughout, despite the microphone being at different distances from the Diva's mouth. Along with Mariah's tell (hamming up a performance), I couldn't help but come to the conclusion that Mimi was lipping to a pre-recorded track.

Anyone hoping this showing would be the one that reignited interest in the flagging song, prepare yourself for disappointment.

Sunday 23 February 2014

[Watch] Miley Cyrus Countryfies OutKast's "Hey Ya"

Amidst the shock visuals, protruding tongue and awful choice in leotards, Miley Cyrus occasionally likes to remind those too caught up in the image that she actually has an interesting set of pipes on her.

Anyone who has listened to Miley's music, ignoring the controversy (which let's be real, she courts), knows that this lady can sing- we're all agreed on that, right? But she once again demonstrated this, and some artistry (if we are to believe she had a hand in this reworking), by covering OutKast's Hey Ya during her 2014 Bangerz tour.

Take a listen! You may be surprised....

Friday 21 February 2014

[Free For All Friday]

I went for a 3 hour walk with trainers that seemed to shrink the longer I wore them....bad times. I'm sure tomorrow the pain will be even worse. Anywho, it's that that time again: Free For All Friday. Go nuts! Or Don't! You're free to do what you want to do! You've got to live your life, Do what you want to do....

If you don't know the score, here be the rules:
  • Try not to get too perverted-this site still needs to basically be "safe for work".
  • If somebody starts a controversial subject, try keeping it civil when dealing with it. If things get out of hand please flag the conversation.
  • It would be nice if it stuck to music, but it's not a requirement! So talk about news, current events, how you're getting your hair done next time you hit the hairdresser! Whateves, really!
  • No nasty comments aimed at other users.
Inappropriate hugs to all y'all (hi fives to the underagers), and wishing you an awesome weekend!

Thursday 20 February 2014

Ellie Goulding whispers Along To "I Need Your Love" and "Burn" @ 2014 Brit Awards

Ellie Goulding brits 2014

Ellie, Ellie, Ellie Goulding. You are my imaginary friend, but I can't condone your live vocals at the 2014 Brit Awards. The airy tone I like. In fact it's something I really enjoy about your impish voice. What isn't great is how weak and ghostly the overall quality of your voice sounded during this I Need Your Love/Burn medley.

It's clear that you can project, because the little exclamations that dotted the performance had some substance to them. It just seems that weight doesn't carry into the falsetto-y type singing that most of this performance consisted of. I think doing this might also be contributing to the problem.

I'll tell you what, though: the drum playing and grinding was getting a lot of guys (and a few girls) hot and bothered on Twitter yesterday. What relevance that has to anything I've written, who knows! Just thought it was worth mentioning.....

Katy Perry Turns Neon Cleopatra For 2014 Brit Performance

katy perry brit awards 2014

Katy Perry has been all up in that dress up box (again) for her 2014 Brit Award showing of Dark Horse.

Whereas her Grammy performance (of the same song) saw her turning to the occult for inspiration, this time the Diva went old school, and I mean REALLY old school, with an Egyptian style ensemble. If you thought the current site layout was bright and brash, just check out the neon/ luminescent colours Katy teamed the theme with to bring the production into the 21st century.

I'm not even going to speak on the vocals, as it's pretty much standard Katy Perry realness, but she did once again deliver on the visuals! I suppose we can't have it all...