Wednesday 19 February 2014

[Watch] Beyonce Takes "XO" to The 2014 Brit Awards

I think Beyonce has spoilt me with her exceptional past performances. She has set the bar so high (for herself) that anything less than perfection leaves me slightly underwhelmed. Case in point, her rendition of XO at the 2014 Brit Awards.

Beyonce reportedly only touched down in the UK today, so lord knows she wouldn't have had much time to put this showing together. It actually goes some way to explaining why she chose to go down the Mariah Carey route- ie tight dress and not doing much on stage BAR singing.  However, with so little else going on, I was expecting the vocals to be as flawless as Bey herself was (and boy did she look FLAW-LESS).

Unfortunately that wasn't the case. Particularly noticeable was the problem she was having with her head voice at the end, potentially hinting at issues with her stamina or breathing. But overall, the voice just didn't soar as it usually does, with it constantly feeling that Bey was being careful with how high she took her voice.

Even still, Yonce managed to sing better than 99% of the Divas out there- and that was on a "bad" day!

Lady Gaga Gives A Stonking Performance Of "Artpop" @ The Tonight Show

Is this the beginning of the fresh push for ARTPOP that Lady Gaga promised her fans for the new year? If so, consider me being thoroughly here for it!

Taking the title track to The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, the singer delivered the song in textbook Gaga fashion: starting the track with only a piano, and then building upon it with further instrumentation as the song progressed.

The beginning was a beautiful take on the electropop song, with Gaga sounding theatrical and stunning. Even when the production stepped-up, the performance remained controlled and tight, marking a change to the chaotic feel this campaign has had thus far. Hopefully we'll see more of this from the Diva this year.

Gaga, you get a gold star from me for this performance; wear it with pride!

Monday 17 February 2014

[Cover] Adele Sings Lady Antebellum's "I Need You Now"

It feels as if Adele has been off the scene for a millennium. She was only brought back to the forefront of my consciousness after bagging a Grammy at this year's awards for her James Bond theme song, Skyfall.

So hankering for some more Adele, I went on a YouTube bender, consuming videos featuring the singer in an almost undignified way. It was during this binge that I found the following video, taken in 2010, and it's been on constant replay since.

Take a listen to Adele (and Darius Rucker) covering Lady Antebellum's I Need You Now at the 2010 CMT Artists Of The Year.

Kylie Minogue Releases Album Sampler For "Kiss Me Once"

Kylie Minogue has released an album teaser for her next LP Kiss Me Once, which is due March 14.

Despite signing to Roc Nation, it doesn't look like the new album has Kylie changing lanes for an urban one- like most expected. Instead, the album sounds to be pretty accurately represented by its lead single Into The Blue, being electro-pop in genre and heavy on the synths. The tracks that immediately caught my attention, after previewing these 50 second teasers, were Million Miles, If Only, Beautiful and Fine, but I'm sure the list will expand when I hear the songs in their fullness.

I can't see Ms. Minogue winning any new fans with Kiss Me Once, but that's no concern of mine. I'm just happy to hear that the album, though not groundbreaking, is still sounding solid.

Friday 14 February 2014

[Free Music] JoJo vocally Slays On New Mixtape "#LoveJo"

JoJo is feeling the love today and has decided to spread it around by giving us a very special valentine's day gift: a new mixtape, #LoveJo.

I've had a brief nosy through the four song set- I don't have time right now to give it a proper whirl- but even still, with those little tasters, it is more than apparent that JoJo has stepped up the vocals. I didn't think it was possible for her to bring anything new, vocally, but it sounds to me as if the singer is still growing, and refining, her instrument.

I'll comment again with my thoughts on the mixtape once I've had a proper listen, but I wanted to make sure I shared it with you on the actual day of release- since it ties in with Valentines.

Take a listen to the loved-up set below. You can also download each song FOR FREEEEEEEEEEE!

[Open Post] Valentine's Salutations

The annual commercialisation of our romantic affections is upon us once again! Rejoice! Consider this post your own personal valentine from moi. I won't be offended if you recoil a little at the notion of this, but know, I don't accept returns or backsies, so you will deal!

[Countdown] Top Ten Girl Groups of ALL TIME

Billboard have used their book of chart magic to conjure up a list of the top ten girl groups of ALL TIME. Spooky, yet prestigious (for those who made it on to it)!

In reality, the American chart compilers used some kind of algorithm to formulate this list. They actually explained their methodology- take a read, below- on their website, but the way it trailed off into vague conjecture by the end, it may as well have been magiced up because I sure as hell don't know what they were talking about. You give it a try:

The top 10 all-time girl groups list is based on actual performance on the weekly Billboard Hot 100. Artists are ranked based on an inverse point system, with weeks at No. 1 earning the greatest value and weeks at No. 100 earning the least. Due to changes in chart methodology over time, certain eras are weighted differently to account for chart turnover rates over various periods.

Still, we all love a countdown/list -don't lie, you do- so let's stop wasting time and get to it! Also, regardless of this list, let me know of YOUR favorite girl group(s) in the comments. A video would also be appreciated, just so we can hear what it is you're talking about.