Friday 31 January 2014

Shakira and Rihanna Get Suggestive (YAWN!) in video for "Can't Remember to Forget You"

Anyone else feeling like that they've seen a little too much of our Divas' behinds of late? I know I am!!

I blame Beyonce for this realisation. Anyone who has "watched" her new album couldn't have failed to notice how much her bottom features. Strangely, I didn't have an issue with that while watching, and thoroughly enjoying, the promos. However, all of a sudden I feel like showing one's booty has become the new side/under boob. It feels like everyone is at it! Maybe Bey's Grammy performance on the weekend was what tipped me over the edge, headfirst, into the crack of despair.

(Anyone wanting a flavour of what I'm talking about -in terms of Bey's behind featuring so prominently on the album- press the button below.)

Wednesday 29 January 2014

[New Music] Lana Del Rey Covers "Once Upon A Dream" For Maleficent

Lana Del Rey Maleficent chilling

I am a sucker for a Disney villainess! In fact, The Little Mermaid's Ursula and Sleeping Beauty's Maleficent made such an impression on me that, even as a child, I felt aggrieved when they met their untimely (and unfair) demises. I was especially annoyed with Ariel! She was the one who started the chain of events that *SPOILER* led to Ursula being popped like a giant cecaelia shaped balloon. That's manslaughter, man!

Monday 27 January 2014

[Watch] Pink Inspires With Aerial Acrobatics At 2014 Grammy Awards

Pink was serving up Cirque du Soleil realness for her 2014 Grammy performance. I can't even start with people saying that the Diva is repeating herself with these acrobatics. If you learnt a skill like that you're hardly going to leave it in the cupboard, gathering dust!

Pink is an entertainer in the truest sense of the word. This is someone who has absolutely no need to be putting her life in danger to hold a viewer's interest- her voice and music are enough to do so- yet she pushes herself to deliver these breathtaking visuals. That's something I personally find inspirational.

I was also thrilled to see her incorporate some of the choreography from the Try music video. That routine is art as far as I'm concerned, so am always thrilled to see it acted out, live. Kudos to the singer for giving kids a different kind of performance style to aspire to.

Check out Pink perform Try (yay) and Just Give Me A Reason (Booo, I still don't like this song) with Nate Ruess, below.

Katy Perry Is Sure To Get Those Illuminati Nuts Going With Spooky "Dark Horse" Performance @ 2013 Grammy

katy perry Grammy 2014

You know what? We all know by now that Katy Perry is not the best vocalist in the world. I think even she knows that. But what she compensates this assault on our auditory system with, well at least when performing at award shows, is a sumptuous feast for our eyes. Okay, she's not THAT bad, but her visuals always greatly improve on what is being served up, vocally.

Her rendition of Dark Horse at the 2014 Grammys was no different! Giving us Gothic goodness, the Diva certainly had me under her spell. The pole dancing around the broomsticks was something else though- good or not, I'm not quite sure yet. Even acknowledging the lethargy in her movements, I still enjoyed the whole spectacle- perhaps because I like the song.

Speaking of choreography, can someone explain to me what kind of dance move she was attempting at 2.25! Were her hips supposed to be moving, or was she just marching on the spot? Help!

[Watch] Lorde Sings "Royals" To The Royals @ Grammys 2014

I refuse to speak anymore about Lorde until someone tells me what she did with the (reportedly) $21,000 gift bag that performers and presenters receive for taking part in the Grammy Awards.

Did she adhere to the message of her hit Royals- which she sang at the event- and refuse the luxury bag, telling the organisers "That kind of luxe just ain't for us." OR did she grab it with both hands, while drinking Cristal and admiring the diamonds in her rings.

Someone let me know, asap! I MUST KNOW!

[Watch] Taylor Swift And Her Piano Perform "All Too Well" @ 2014 Grammy Awards

taylor swift grammys 2014

I really like Taylor Swift. I'm not sure why. I mean, I know why I like her music, but I'm not sure why I like her as a person. I'm not saying I should dislike her or anything, more so that I should be a little more nonchalant of her as an individual. With all this confusion going on in my mind, I'm not sure how to feel about her rendition of All Too Well at the 2014 Grammy Awards.

My immediate reaction was that I liked it! Simple and stunning was what I felt. However, after reading comments on YouTube calling it "mediocre" and "average," and kind of seeing what they mean when watching it a second time, I IZ CONFUZED.

Am I being blinded by my odd affections for Taylor, or was this actually a good performance? I'm sure you guys will give me a gentle nudge in the right direction with your critiques in the comments.

Did Beyonce Lip-sync "Drunk In Love" @ 2014 Grammy Awards?

beyonce jay z grammy 2014

With all the success- both critical and commercial- Beyonce's latest album is enjoying, it was only fitting that the A-Lister opened up the 2014 Grammy Awards. And kudos to the Diva for wanting to give an honest representation of what the album is (mostly) about by singing the sexually charged Drunk In Love . However, I'm not quite sure the Grammy Awards was the right gig for the performance she gave; it definitely wasn't strong enough to have been an opener.