Friday 10 January 2014

[Free For All Friday]

FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY TIME! First of the new year, no less. Now I am more than ready to be DRAGGED for the site layout in the comments, but perhaps we can restrict it to one thread? That way it's more likely I'll find them! (.....I think I'm ready for

If you don't know the score, here be the rules:
  • Try not to get too perverted-this site still needs to basically be "safe for work".
  • If somebody starts a controversial subject, try keeping it civil when dealing with it. If things get out of hand please flag the conversation.
  • It would be nice if it stuck to music, but it's not a requirement! So talk about news, current events, how you're getting your hair done next time you hit the hairdresser! Whateves, really!
  • No nasty comments aimed at other users.
Inappropriate hugs to all y'all, and wishing you an awesome weekend!

[Watch] Tamar Braxton Takes "All The Way Home" To The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Looks like Tamar Braxton is getting back her vocal mojo! Praise Jebus! Taking All The Way Home to the Ellen DeGeneres Show, the Diva gave a striking rendition of the knockout ballad lifted from last year's Love And War LP.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Is Lady Gaga Heading For A Breakdown in 2014?

It's time to play armchair, unqualified, pop psychologist. Today we welcome to the clinic our first- and most likely last- patient: the oft-outlandish Lady Gaga. A Diva who has sadly been exhibiting some bizarre behavior of late. Let's look at what's been causing the concern in more detail, below.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Ke$ha checks into Clinic For Eating Disorder, Dr Luke Blamed

Fans of Glitter Queen Ke$ha already have a reason to dislike her producer and keeper, Dr Luke, for being too controlling and creatively stifling. So imagine the wrath they will now bring to his door for his ALLEGED role in Ke$ha's eating disorder.

Dr Luke's influence over the extent of the singer-songwriter's musical output was brought to the fore during the airing of My Crazy Beautiful Life when the star commented on how little control she actually had over her second album, Warrior. The result of this- and subsequent -revelations led the Diva's "Animals" to create the "Free Ke$ha" campaign, whose sole goal was/is to release the Diva from Dr Luke's management (you can join the cause and sign the petition here) so she can follow a rockier path away from pop and EDM.

Saturday 4 January 2014

[Listen] Lea Michele Teams Up With Sia Furler On "Battlefields"

lea michele louder

Is it wrong that I can't hear Lea Michele's voice without my mind immediately concocting some Glee scenario- starring her character Rachel- to accompany it? For instance, listening to new song Battlefield, I immediately pictured the Diva in the Glee music room, facing her classmates, singing it with moist eyes, gesticulating arms and planted legs, while the camera circled slowly around her (something kinda like this).  Just me then?

Anyway, Battlefields is actually sitting right with me on first listen, with its simplicity working greatly in its favor. Lea doesn't need a full on production to rouse, or elicit an emotional response from this listener - perhaps due to her clear annunciation and acting chops- so its nice to not have too much distraction going on in the track. The wailing Sia backing vocals- she wrote the track- that ghost the song, but really comes in at 3.30, were also doing good things to me.

(Mental note: must do that pesky Sia vocal profile!!)

Mariah Carey Gifts 2013 With A Medley Of Greatest Hits Before It Passes

Would you expect the first post of 2014- Happy New Year, btw- to be anything but one featuring the Diva ultimately responsible for this blog even existing! Yes, the year starts off with a Mariah Carey post! Where my lambs at!

Friday 27 December 2013

[Free For All Friday]

Better late than never, right?

If you don't know the score, here be the rules:
  • Try not to get too perverted-this site still needs to basically be "safe for work".
  • If somebody starts a controversial subject, try keeping it civil when dealing with it. If things get out of hand please flag the conversation.
  • It would be nice if it stuck to music, but it's not a requirement! So talk about news, current events, how you're getting your hair done next time you hit the hairdresser! Whateves, really!
  • No nasty comments aimed at other users.
Inappropriate hugs to all y'all, and wishing you an awesome weekend!