Monday 16 December 2013

[Watch] Celine Dion Lips her way through Strictly Come Dancing Performance of "Breakaway"

Celine Dion was preaching to that key demo with her appearance on Strictly Come Dancing this weekend. Smart lady!

Moving on from promoting the single Loved Me Back to Life, The Canadian Diva brought the ballad Breakaway to the United Kingdom's shores. Though lipping to the gorgeous song, the singer looked flawless in black, compensating for the lack of voice by serving up as much dramatics as she could muster from a static position- which was quite a bit, apparently.

But I'm not even mad at Celine for lipping. I wouldn't have wasted my time, or precious voice, when those two were dancing in front of me, grabbing focus! Dion demands all our attention, damn it!

Still, love the song.

Saturday 14 December 2013

[Countdown] P!nk Has Highest Grossing Tour of Any Female In 2013

Taken from Billboard's run down of the 25 highest grossing tours of 2013, P!nk coming on top certainly wasn't what I was expecting after listening to the more rabid stanbases talking trash all year about their fav's ticket sales. The diva also had the highest position of any female (number 7) on Billboard's tally of the top 10 Year-End most popular songs across all genres with Just Give Me A Reason. Just two of the reasons, I suspect, the pop-rocker was deservedly named Billboard's Woman of the Year! Finally, girl be getting some recognition!

But it was a good year for Divas in general, with Rihanna, Taylor Swift and Beyonce all making the top ten highest grossing tours of the year- though it seemed some had to work harder, over more dates, to gross the amount they did. Interestingly, out of all the Divas, Taylor Swift was the only one who sold out all her dates, with Beyonce, conversely, failing to sell out 19 of the 59 shows.

Still, Divas be getting money!

Friday 13 December 2013

[Free For All Friday]

Thank pizza pie that it's Free For All Friday! It saves me the hassle of having to throw together a post on Beyonce's sneak attack on the music industry with the release of her self-titled fifth album. If you guys have managed to get your mitts on it- I haven't- feel free to discuss!

If you don't know the score, here be the rules:
  • Try not to get too perverted-this site still needs to basically be "safe for work".
  • If somebody starts a controversial subject, try keeping it civil when dealing with it. If things get out of hand please flag the conversation.
  • It would be nice if it stuck to music, but it's not a requirement! So talk about news, current events, how you're getting your hair done next time you hit the hairdresser! Whateves, really!
  • No nasty comments aimed at other users.
Inappropriate hugs to all y'all, and wishing you an awesome weekend!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

[Discuss] Divas Dominate List Of Most Viewed Vevo Videos Of 2013

It looks like our Divas are winning when it comes to Vevo views this year! Taking seven out of the ten places available, the female of the species well and truly dominated 2013's countdown of most viewed videos on the hated video platform. (Note: as far as I am concerned, Britney Spears is what made Scream and Shout such a success, so I consider that song another victory for the Divas)

Who should really be smiling reading this list, though, is Ms. Miley Ray Cyrus, as she takes both the gold and sliver places with singles Wrecking Ball and We Can't stop. Even more impressive than this feat, is that Wrecking ball reached a hundred million views in less than a week after it first premièred. It's since gone on to rack up almost four hundred millions views since its release in September! Yowza!

So were these videos deserving of their placing on the tally? Or did controversy, rather than musical talent, play a prominent role in their charting? Let me know in the comments. Also feel free to link to your favourite video of the year.

Check out the full list, as well as the videos featured, below!

Monday 9 December 2013

[Watch] Mariah Carey HEAVILY dubs "All I Want For Christmas" Performance @ National Tree Lighting in Washington, DC

Thanks to a link provided over at Mariahjournal I found out about this performance of All I Want For Christmas, filmed at the National Tree Lighting in Washington, DC. And just like  Mariah Carey's last showing at the Rockefeller Center [here], the Diva delivered again on the night with an almost perfect rendition of the holiday classic.

Witnessing two solid performances in a row was almost enough to make me think a Christmas miracle had occurred, and that the vocalist's weathered pipes had been restored! Watch for yourself [here]- Mariah comes on at about the 57 minute mark to sing. Anyone wanting to not deal with the reality of the situation, please stop reading at this point.

[Vocal Profile] Chaka Khan

Vocal Type: Spinto Mezzo-Soprano
Vocal Range: F2-B5 (3 octaves and a diminished fifth) (B2-E6)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Chaka is a unique singer, with her own style of inflection and timbre. Her voice has some similarities to other singers of her generation, but always retains a sound distinctly her own. Though her timbre is bright, she has an unusual amount of power behind her notes.

The low range is quite impressive, spanning down into the second octave. Her lows can either be smoky and whispery or more solid and defined, and though never achieving the same volume as her high range, her low notes retain her tone and style The lower range stays mostly homogeneous to the rest of the range.

Her middle range, starting around G3, has many timbres and textures that it can assume, and transitions absolutely seamlessly from the lower middle range to the top of her voice. The middle range has a peculiar ‘forward’ sound that gives the impression of the tone used in the belted range, aiding the sound of seamless transition.

The belted range is technically incredible, and the defining aspect of her voice. Going all the way up to a thrilling B5, the belted notes are brassy, bright, and full in sound – they are always mixed perfectly, and flow easily, though time has stripped Chaka of the top belts. Thanks to her mixing, she goes to the absolute top of her viable range, but belts far beyond ‘typical’ highs for any voice type.

Her head voice (whenever it is heard) is light, bright, and somewhat breathy.

Vocal Negatives: Her head voice on its own is rarely heard and sounds quite weak compared to her powerful, brassy belts. Because of her unique singing style, it may take time to adapt to her sound on the whole. She has a tendency to waver in pitch on the low notes, and the low range on the whole seems a little variable as to whether it will be solid or weak on a given day.

Credit goes to Marty M for this profile!

Sunday 8 December 2013

[Video] Beyonce Confuses With "Grown Woman" Visuals

Beyonce Grown Woman

I have exactly zero clue as to what this Grown Woman promo is for, or where it came from.

It doesn't feature the entire track, so it can't be the actual music video. But that doesn't mean it can't be a teaser for something longer. It may even be a video played on the jumbo screens while Beyonce performs the buzz track/album cut/single/Lord-knows-what on tour. However, it's not something I recall seeing when she sang it at Chime For Change. Could it be that she's updated the visuals since then?

Please, one of you guys, help a confused individual out and tell me just what the heck I'm looking at here!