Tuesday 5 November 2013

[Watch] Leona Lewis's Accoustic Set For British Airways

Leona Lewis is getting herself back out there to promote the fact that she hasn't retired, and is still making music- seriously, there are people who think she's quit the industry! Her latest outing was for British Airways, who were celebrating "...the launch of British Airways A380 to Hong Kong last week".

Now, if I didn't have a friend who was a plane nut, I wouldn't have thought this was anything to get excited about. But there are genuinely people out there rejoicing at this news- different strokes for different folks, I suppose. At least we can benefit from the event by getting to watch the lovely Leona perform two songs in an acoustic fashion.

It was odd that she chose not to perform any Christmas songs- despite having an album of that nature to plug-  however, I suspect it may have been to do with BA wanting to keep the event secular. The songs she did pick were biggest hit Bleeding Love and last album's Come Alive. They weren't the greatest of renditions, in fact they were probably some of her worst- with too much substituting of head for chest notes, and tuning problems throughout- but at least the arrangements were nice.

I suspect this was just a bad vocal day for the X-Factor winner, so no need to panic just yet. We'll know more when she gets to promoting Christmas, With Love- of which you can hear its lead single here.

[Listen] Mary J Blige, Kelly Clarkson and Leona Lewis Get Festive With New Releases

It's November, so you know what means! I can now listen to Christmas music without looking like a total nutter! With it being so close to the festive period, it's no shocker that some of our Divas have Yuletide albums out for us to stuff the stockings with. So let's take a listen and see what's on offer!

Monday 4 November 2013

[Listen] Stop The Presses!! Britney Spears Doesn't Sound Like A Robot (or British) On New Single "Perfume"

OMG! No Nasal intonation! Britney Jean Spears, more vocals like this in the future, please! New song Perfume was so not what I was expecting from the Diva after the genericness that was Work B!tch. However, it's so different that I don't actually know how to take it right now.

I think I'm impressed. I'm definitely shocked! To think Britney supposedly co-produced this, too. Maybe that's why the vocals aren't as processed and robotic (dear I actually call them emotive?) as usual, and that the lyrical content isn't repetitive and mindless (which I'm not knocking, because I love a bit of mindless pop).

Perfume really needs a few more spins before I can firm up my opinions on it. I can say right now that I love the voice and am feeling the lyrics- both things which re-humanise the oft roboticised entertainer. I think problems might be found in the weakish production, but maybe it was purposely done to contrast the overproduction of Work and allow Britney's voice center stage.

This curve ball has me intrigued as to what the rest of new album, Britney Jean, sounds like. Not long to wait now!

[New Music] Christina Aguilera Guest Vocals On Great Big World's "Say Something"

Christina Aguilera has bestowed her grace on the relatively (compared to her, at least) unknown A Great Big World. Having heard their melancholy Say Something played on So You Think You Can Dance, the singer was swift in sending word to the duo that the Voice of a Generation was willing to bless their track with her unearthly pipes. Unsurprisingly they accepted her overflowing generosity, and here we are today with this beautiful and haunting duet.

A reigned in vocal was the order of the day, with Chrissy bringing a softer and sympathetic delivery to the song; never overshadowing or detracting from the lead. It functions as a reminder to vocalists everywhere that volume and power aren't the only way to impress an audience, with tone, timbre and control being just as inspiring to hear when used correctly!

Take a listen to Say Something below. Those more marshmallow in constitution be prepared to tear up!

Friday 1 November 2013

[ Free For All Friday]

Free For All Friday time! Posts have been lacking this week- apologies! I was going to throw one together today, but got up late and now need to run! Hopefully they'll be a new profile up this weekend, as well as a spruced up oldie!  Happy Halloween!

If you don't know the score, here be the rules:
  • Try not to get too perverted-this site still needs to basically be "safe for work".
  • If somebody starts a controversial subject, try keeping it civil when dealing with it. If things get out of hand please flag the conversation.
  • It would be nice if it stuck to music, but it's not a requirement! So talk about news, current events, how you're getting your hair done next time you hit the hairdresser! Whateves, really!
  • No nasty comments aimed at other users.
Inappropriate hugs to all y'all, and wishing you an awesome weekend!

Sunday 27 October 2013

[Watch] Lady Gaga delivers Slightly Sloppy Performance of "Venus" And "Do What U Want" @ X-Factor UK

Lady Gaga brought the ArtPop promotional trail to X-Factor (UK) today. Looking a little worse for wear, the Diva opened the medley with her first ever solo-produced track, Venus. The virtually a capella opening was indicative of the great standard of vocal that was to follow from the Diva- being well supported and well placed pretty much throughout. However, along with her appearance, the performance was, as a whole, kinda sloppy. I'm actually a little surprised to see a performer as accomplished as Gaga serving up something as unbaked as this.

It's actually disconcerting to see the Diva, who has just started the promotion for her third album, already looking exhausted. Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come, as the campaign is only going to intensify. But I'll get off her back because I'm not a physician and for all I know, it could have been some other reason-like her late night yesterday at G-A-Y- that was the cause of the rough edges around today's performance.

[Listen] Mariah Carey Piques Interest With "Art Of Letting Go" Teaser

11.11.13 is the date for the Facebook release (say what?) of Mariah Carey's new single, The Art Of Letting Go. I didn't see this teaser on the date it was released as it was a certain special day for myself, but I thankfully happened to stumble upon it by chance today, three days later.

I am genuinely sooo exited about the song after watching the video. The Diva speaking about the project previously had failed to get my juices going, and even listening to her repeating old clichés during the clip itself didn't excite.

The music playing in the background, however, spoke more loudly than anything Mariah could say: live orchestra, beautiful whistle notes and Larry Gold! All excellent signs that this project will see an evolution and maturing of the Rnb-pop sound Carey has been pushing for well over a decade.

Take a listen to the teaser, below!