Sunday 27 October 2013

[Discuss] Lady Gaga Releases "Venus" Audio While Continuing to Mess-Up ArtPop Campaign

What is going on with Lady Gaga's promotional campaign this era? Artpop got off to an unplanned start when its lead single Applause leaked early, causing the campaign to start ahead of schedule. But that doesn't really excuse, or explain, what's been going on since then.

Venus was billed as the follow-up to Applause, and it seemed like control could finally be taken of the bolting horse. That was until preview/buzz track Do What U Want was (stupidly) released- spending all of ten seconds at number one on an Itune chart somewhere- prompting Gaga's team to give it second single status instead of the planned Venus.

Now that's fair enough. The reaction to the R. Kelly duet was good, so I can understand why they'd want to capitalise on a potential hit record. But with it getting the single treatment, why did team Gaga decide to confuse things by now releasing Venus -which is single number three- in its entirety. Surely it would have made sense to keep the public's focus squarely on Do What U Want, and not cannibalise and distract from it with a future single.

With the messy route being taken, the whole project is in danger of loosing the goodwill and anticipation that the months Gaga went AWOL built. I seriously don't understand how such a valuable commodity- to the record label- can be so dreadfully mismanaged, especially at such an important juncture in her career.

As for Venus, I like it. But it won't be replacing Kylie Minogue's Aphrodite as my favourite pop ode to a Goddess of love. Take a listen to it below, and let me know your thoughts on it and the ArtPop era in general.

[Watch] Janelle Monáe Performs "Electric Lady" @ SNL

Janelle Monáe is one talented firecracker of a Diva. Enjoying (much deserved) critical acclaim with album number three, The Electric Lady, the singer took to Saturday Night Live to give the audience a taster of the LP's title track, where she not only impressed with her elastic pipes, but also her skills as a rapper. (Seriously, I would buy an album of her just spitting bars.)

The monochromatic wonder also performed Dance Apocalyptic, where she apparently knocked over her microphone (but recovered like a boss). However I can't find that clip on video sites, and NBC player won't let me watch it from my country! DARN YOU!  I'm sure it'll pop up at some point. I'll amend the post when that happens!


Wednesday 23 October 2013

[Watch] Britney Spears Whips Alan Carr's Minions into shape

Do you ever feel like those around you aren't giving all that they could when in your glorious presence? That your family, co-workers, and/or friends just aren't pulling their weight when necessary? I used to be like you, but then turned to the Britney Spears "Work B!tch" program to whip those layabouts into shape!! Now no longer do I have to put up with anything less than 100% from those I surround myself with! Just watch Britney demonstrate her incentivising skills on television personality Alan Carr's slacking lackeys!!

Silliness aside, this little skit from his interview with Britney  had me giggling like an immature chimp- mainly because of her ending each crack with "Work B!tch". The reason why she was putting her whip to use wasn't out of sheer randomness though, but to demonstrate the "skill" she learnt while filming her latest promo.

Check out that clip and the whole interview, where Brit didn't seem half as awkward as usual, below. Hooray for almost there, but not quite, Britney!

Monday 21 October 2013

[Watch] Katy Perry Performs "Roar" @ X-Factor (UK) And Continues To Bore

I can't seem to click with Katy Perry and her live performances. Sure, I like a lot of her singles- present one not included- but her live showings always leave me feeling cold and disinterested. Never more so was this the case than watching her showing at the X-Factor (UK), where she performed aforementioned single Roar.

I mean, she was dressed up as a tiger (and you guys know how much I love cats) and even that didn't hold my interest. (Poor) joke aside, the performance itself was okay- though the vocal was shaky-but the real problem I had, and usually have, was the absence of any stage presence from Katy herself.

She seems like a lovely lady, and makes catchy music, but it just never seems to translate when she puts her product on show. Maybe you guys can link me some videos in the comments that might allow me to see the light of Perry.

Whatever the case, I'm sure I'll be picking up a copy of Prism- which is getting strong reviews-at some point! Hopefully it'll be darker in sound, like she promised pre-release, and less like the lead single lifted from it.

[New Music] Lady Gaga Feat R.Kelly- "Do What U Want"

Lady Gaga/Artpop time. A second song-Do What U Want- has been officially released from the November-due album ,and features Rnb heavyweight R.Kelly on guest vocals.

The song, despite R.Kelly, doesn't really sound particularly geared towards the urban market. Instead, Gaga has brought the Trapped in The Closet singer into her world by keeping the production a warm electro-pop one. It works well, as the two effortlessly and harmoniously groove over the pulsating synths despite their differing deliveries. Overall, it's a change of pace for Gaga, which is refreshing to hear after successive, high-energy singles.

Thursday 17 October 2013

[Watch] Christina Aguilera Sings Beyonce's "Listen" OnThe Voice US

It's an incy wincy clip, but I thought it was worth posting as it shows Christina Aguilera's voice in a different light- at least to me!

Giving her team on The Voice US some coaching on their delivery of Listen, the Lady Marmalade singer went into a head voice-weighted chest mix on the line "you don't know what I'm feeling". The tone produced was a surprise to me, being light-weight, sweet and like nothing I've heard from the Diva before. Her mid-range on the following demo was also music to my ears, showing how beautiful Christina's voice can be when it's not smashing you around the head with volume and faux-power.

Is this a versatility that has come with the vocal traning she was reportedly undergoing months back, or is this just the Diva using her voice in a way that she hasn't yet utalised in her recordings? Either way, I'd certainly like to hear more of this variety in texture and tone!

[Watch] Ariana Grande Performs "The Way And "Right Here" @ "Kimmel Live"

It's been a while since we had some Ariana Grande on the site, so let's change that with her set at Jimmy Kimmel Live. Taking to the stage, the pint-sized singer with the 4-octave range gave us near enough note perfect renditions of Yours Truly's The Way and Right There.

Watching the performances it's becoming more and more undeniable that Ariana's "whistle notes" are in fact extended falsetto. That's no bad thing, as it allows for more connection to the rest of the range, as well as more dependability, than the whistle register does- unless of course you're someone like Minnie Ripperton, who could seamlessly move between head/falsetto and whistle. However, though Ariana can definitely sing in the whistle register [see here], I'm still seeing fans wrongly credit notes like those in the videos below as examples of her skill in the highest register of the human voice.

Still, whistle notes or not, the elasticity and skill of her youthful voice is something to behold! Check out the performances and see if you agree with Katy Perry, who said of Ariana's voice:

"I love her. I think she has the best female vocal in pop music today...She has literally the best voice, the best voice live. She kills it. She's so good."