Tuesday 20 August 2013

[Discuss] Did Lady Gaga Come Off Worse After Twitter Battle With Perez Hilton?

Gaga perez kiss

Gaga is back, so guess what, so is the controversy. After calling for love and peace between all stanbases of the world [exhibit A], the singer-songwriter decided to follow that sentiment with a shot from her avant-garde crossbow at ex-bestie Perez Hilton,  and one-time idol Madonna.  So much for creating harmony amongst fans! [Exhibit B]

Monday 19 August 2013

[Music Video] Ariana Grande & Nathan Skyes Romance On "Almost is Never Enough"

Ariana Grande, Nathan Sykes

For those who wanted a change of pace from Ariana Grande after the up-tempo style of singles The Way and Baby,I, new song Almost is Never Enough should satisfy you.

The piano-led ballad features a surprising choice of duetting partner in The Wanted's Nathan Skyes. Even more odd is how different his voice sounds to the way I remember it being on any of his group's singles. I'm actually shocked at how good his voice actually is.However, much like with Ariana, his delivery feels to be more imitation than innovation, so I'm reigning in my appreciation a little at this point. Further singles from the singer may change my mind.

Still, this Boyz II Men homage is making me feel all warm and nostalgic, so I can't hate on it. 

[Music Video] Lady Gaga "Applause"

gaga swan

Gaga's video for new single Applause [review here] has hit Vevo and it's as weird as you'd probably expect- though I'm sure none of you foresaw a Gaga/swan hybrid making an appearance. Hitting the dress-up box hard, Gaga manages to cram in a whole raft of art and pop culture references into the video, which certainly makes for compelling viewing. But it's her manic enthusiasm that kept me watching! She looks like she really means business this time around!

However I could have done without this comment made to George Stephanopoulos in regards to the promo: "I really felt like I could be myself in this video." Didn't she say something like that when she took a shine to wearing those facial prostheses during the start of the Born This Way promotional trail? Still, I suppose we should be used to these contradictory statements by now!

Let's just enjoy the video.

Thursday 15 August 2013

[Music Video] Haim "The Wire"

Haim's video for The Wire sure does feature a lot of average looking people in it. Not that I'm complaining. In fact, I welcome it! Hit me up next time you want to make a video, ladies!  This has really got nothing to do with anything, other than me whoring myself out, but it was a thought that stayed with me throughout the video, so I thought I'd share. After all "sharing is caring".

Musically, it's another slice of fun indie-pop pie from the trio, with interesting harmonies and varied backing being the stand out features of the track. But if you're anything like me, it'll still leave you pulling out your hair trying to discern what other song(s) it reminds you of- something I've found to be the case with all their releases so far.

However, even with the mania it has stirred within, I still like the tune, and am cautiously looking forward to their September-due début album, Days Are Gone. Ample time to purchase some replacement  hair (!)


[Watch] Christina Bianco Sings 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart' As Adele, Christina Aguilera and 17 other Divas!

Christina Bianco Divas

I love Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart. I'm sure I've said that many a time on this very site. Unsurprisingly, I also really love Divas- shocking, I know! So imagine my glee when I came across impressionist Christina Bianco singing that very power ballad in the style of many our favourite female vocalists! (Yeah, it was something like this...) And let's me be real, this is probably the closest we'll ever get to hearing Christina Aguilera cover the classic, so sit back and enjoy!

Monday 12 August 2013

[Review] Lady Gaga "Applause"

IT'S HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!! With her hand forced by the threat of the full song being leaked, Lady Gaga has released her comeback single Applause a full week early! Lucky us! Now if I were you, I'd listen to the iHeartRadio exclusive below before you read on. I'd hate to colour your judgement.

Okay you guys are going to hate me for even mentioning her name in this post, but is anyone else hearing Madonna's Girl Gone Wild in this? Believe me when I say I didn't go into this with even a thought of the Material Girl, but that song- which I haven't revisited since the video premièred in March of last year- pinged into my head the second Applause got to its chorus. It's not anything major, more a vague similarity, but I'd be interested to read if any of you heard it too.

Ignoring that, I like it. Gaga was never going to go back to straight pop (like many hoped)- that would have been too obvious a retreat after Born This Way-so the dance floor was the next logical step for the singer. And it's a move that totally works for her.

However, the single marks the first time Gaga could be seen to be chasing a sound rather than leading from the front or trying to innovate. Something to worry about perhaps for those who look to her for originality. Not me though, I'm glad she's not trying so hard this time around. From the cocky lyrics, to the stylised vocal, this is the "fun" Gaga we needed  after the preachy weighty Born This Way. Still, the DJ White Shadow production isn't anything special, but at least it allows for the focus to be firmly on Gaga and her great vocal.

Saturday 10 August 2013

[Listen] Sia's Demo of Celine Dion's "Love Me Back To Life" Hits The Net

We're still waiting on the radio/album version for Celine Dion's new single, Loved Me Back To Life, after hearing the Diva début the song live at a concert. However, while we wait, we can now enjoy Sia Furler's demo of it, courtesy of a leak somewhere in the musical pipeline.

Knowing it had been co-written by the Australian, I did wonder how Sia would have tackled the vocal of the song had it been her own. But like with Diamonds, my imagination was spared the pain of having to work when the real thing materialised on YouTube.[See her singing Diamonds here]