Saturday 10 August 2013

[Listen] Katy Perry's "Roar" Leaks! But Is It Any Good?

Katy Perry's new song Roar has leaked two days before it was meant to premier! EEK! To anyone wanting to hear it, check out the lead single from upcoming album Prism at this link : Listen To Roar.  (sorry about sending you elsewhere to hear it, but it's a Tumblr site, so you'll be safe)

Friday 9 August 2013

[Friday Free For All]

Ok, I should be back home this weekend, so hopefully regular service should resume! But for now, here's the newly titled "Friday Free For All" [Credit and thanks to Joel]. So have at it! In addition to talking about whatever you want, please let me know of anything I've missed while I've been out in the wilderness these last two weeks! Now back to trash television for me...Cheaters, if you must know!!

As per usual, the rules:

  • Try not to get too perverted-this site still needs to basically be "safe for work".
  • If somebody starts a controversial subject, try keeping it civil when dealing with it. If things get out of hand please flag the conversation.
  • It would be nice if it stuck to music, but it's not a requirement! So talk about news, current events, how you're getting your hair done next time you hit the hairdresser! Whateves, really!
  • No nasty comments aimed at other users.
Inappropriate hugs to all y'all!

Wednesday 7 August 2013

[New Music] Has Ariana Grande Run Out Of Ideas Already? Listen To "Right Here" And Decide For Yourself.

I'm back to being ambivalent about young vocalist Ariana Grande after hearing new track, Right There. Whereas there had been development from the Diva on second single, Baby, I, this new track, which admittedly is an album track so I shouldn't have expected anything spectacular, sounds pretty much like a clone of her debut single The Way.

With Mariah-esque vocals (with a splash of Aguilera), a sample (courtesy of Rain Dance) and a guest rapper ( Big Sean); it's no wonder even Ariana herself called this The Way Pt II (Source: someone's comment on YouTube(!)). But just because the artist has been self-aware enough to (supposedly) note the similarities, it doesn't excuse this sloppy effort for me. 
Right Here isn't offensive, though. I'm sure I'll even enjoy it on rotation for a few days. But it's disappointingly more of the same from Ariana. Something perhaps concerning just three releases into her young career.

Monday 5 August 2013

[Random Spam] Lady Gaga, Mel C, Jessie J, Katy Perry, Mariah Carey and Selina Gomez.

So some of you may or may not know that I'm currently up in Oxford helping a brother move! As so, I haven't been able to update the blog- Booo! However,  I've managed to find a laptop in his boxes and piggyback off a stranger's WiFi to quickly cobble together a post. Watch me get hacked (!)

Having been away from the internet for the week, I'm currently behind on what's going on in the world of Divas and music. Thus, to kill two birds with one stone (a post and catching up) I thought it made sense to do a varied Spam post.


Sunday 28 July 2013

[Watch] Celine Dion Performs New Music, "Loved Me Back to Life" Live

Celine Dion new music 2013

Celine Dion, the Diva who has been ruling Vegas since 2003, is finally back with new music for us ignoramuses who don't parlez Francais (the Diva released French album Sans attendre last year for those who do). Premièred at a concert that I have no more information about, the singer gave the lucky audience a live rendition of the title track from the October-due English-language album, Loved Me Back To Life.

It's not the best recording- no shade to the YouTuber- but from what I can hear, it sounds like Celine has managed to contemporise her music without sounding like she's blatantly playing to a different demographic. A tough ask for writer Sia and producers Sham and Motesar, but they seem to have pulled it off with Loved Me Back To Life. Her voice also sounds amazing, but I haven't watched it close enough to discern whether it's lipped or not...perhaps one of you can help me with that (Read: I'm not poking any hornet's nest today).

Friday 26 July 2013

[Free For All] 2

Last week's "Free For All" post worked strangely well! So let's throw another one out there a week later. My thoughts are this is too close to the last one and I should spread them out to twice a month, but who knows, you guys might have news you are dying to share!

A few rules though:

  • Try not to get too perverted-this site still needs to basically be "safe for work".
  • If somebody starts a controversial subject, try keeping it civil when dealing with it. If things get out of hand please flag the conversation.
  • It would be nice if it stuck to music, but it's not a requirement! So talk about news, current events, how you're getting your hair done next time you hit the hairdressers! Whateves, really!
  • No nasty comments aimed at other users. (That's a new one!)
The list of rules will probably grow again after this post. Enjoy! Inappropriate hugs for all y'all!

Thursday 25 July 2013

[Duelling Divas] Deniece Williams "Free" Featuring Chante Moore, Debelah Morgan And Corrine Bailey Rae

A blast from the past today with a "Duelling Divas" that features Deniece Williams' 1976 hit Free as its focus. This was initially going to be just a post about the song, because for some reason unbeknownst to me it popped into my head. However, once I read it had been covered by other Diva's I thought I'd switch the post up a bit!

Like a time machine, Free will transport you right back to the1970's with its easy, laid-back groove and gorgeous, sweet and loved up vocals. (Actually, now that I think about it, I'm sure I'm talking about the 60's. Oh well. I'm not changing it. Call it "wilful ignorance" on my part.)

Like her contemporary and colleague , the great Minnie Ripperton, Williams is credited as having a 5 octaves vocal range. However, though this song contains some soaring vocals, there isn't actually any whistle notes in her own version. The other Divas, however, weren't so restrained.