Friday 12 July 2013

[Discuss] Beyonce Reportedly Scraps Album Number 5 And Starts Recording Again!

We've all been wondering what has happened to Beyonce's fifth studio album. This was supposed to be the year "King B" came back for her throne, making us all Bow Down before her greatness. It all started so well too, with huge amounts of publicity being generated by the singer via a brilliantly orchestrated campaign that included a performance at the Super Bowl, a massive Pepsi deal, an interview with Oprah and a HBO documentary. Surely this couldn't have all been for a tour that we all know would have sold out regardless of this promo.

It's more likely that there was an album ready for release, but lacklustre response to songs coming from camp Bey must have scared the singer/record label into postponing the album. It's something Ne-Yo briefly touched upon, but now producer Diplo has out and out said that album number five has most likely been scrapped entirely:

[Versus] Who sang "Whataya Want from Me" better: Adam Lambert Or Pink?

pink adam lambert

I'm wagering everyone in the world already new this, but I just found it out, so here goes: Pink originally recorded Whataya Want from Me! Say whaaat!!! That's not all, she co-wrote it (with Max Martin, and Shellback) for her album Funhouse, but for some odd reason it didn't make it onto the finished product. Fast forward to 2010 and her version finally gets a release on the international copy of the Greatest Hits... So Far!!!, allowing us all to hear it! (So I'm only 3 years late to this party!)

Wednesday 10 July 2013

[Music Video] Katy B "What Love is Made of"

I don't think there is anyone cooler than Katy B out there on the scene right now! Case-in-point the video for new single, What Love is Made Of. But you know what, let's ignore the gritty visuals-with its ruffians and their fast cars- and just focus on the the track itself, because it is free from any flaws! (Let's also ignore the fact I am full of flaws and that's why I'm posting on a video that is almost two months old!)

 I genuinely can't wait to hear this the next time I'm out! In fact, I think I'll have a (sad) little groove to it alone in my room right now! Join me (if you dare)!

And if any of you know the recipe for What Love Is Made of, let ME know- screw you, Katy- in the comments!

[Music Video] Loreen: "We Got The Power"

loreen Music video stil

Are you feeling downtrodden, depressed, or powerless? If you are, do what I've been doing this last month- no, it's nothing filthy- and take a listen to (and have a sing along to) Loreen's We Got The Power! With its inspirational lyrics and chantable chorus, one round of this song, with your fist held high in the air, should leave you reinvigorated and ready to give life one fiery uppercut to the jaw! What have you got to lose? Nothing! So give it a try!

Having only discovered the lovely Loreen after watching her amazingly performance at Eurovision 2013 (check it out at the bottom of this post), I've actually fallen a little bit in love with the Swedish singer. Other songs to give a try- if you liked this one- are My Heart Is Refusing Me and Euphoria (which won her the Eurovision competition in 2012). I'll post them below for you lazy bones who can't be bothered to YouTube!


[Single Review] MutyaKeishaSiobhan: "Flatline"

This is not the sound I was expecting MKS (Mutya Keisha Siobhan) to be launching their return to music with, so colour me surprised! I'm just not sure whether it's a good surprise or not at this moment.

Definitely sounding maturer than their last outing together- hardly a shock considering that was over ten years ago- new single Flatline sees the ladies taking an 80's pop route that initially brought to mind Fleetwood Mac's Big Love. However as the song played out, it quickly becomes less reminiscent and more contemporary, oozing the freshness that was/still is so synonymous with trio.

Producer, Dev Hynes has done a beautiful job with the song's arrangement: balancing it so it's structurally interesting throughout, but left with enough sonic space for the ladies to implement their brand of killer vocals (which are stunning!). The overall effect is one of quiet beauty, rather than that which smacks you around the head with its plumage, and that's where I worry because the song doesn't come off as immediately radio friendly. Their name alone should be enough to get Flatline on heavy rotation- which is half the battle won- but it's still undoubtedly a risky choice for a first single.

Cool, well constructed and exceptionally sung ( I especially love Siobhan's part in the bridge), Flatline is pretty great; it's just not as strong a first single as I was hoping. Still, critics are going nuts for it, so, fingers crossed, that's a positive sign of impending success for this overdue reunion.

Friday 5 July 2013

[Watch] Cher Battles Hair And Apparent Memory Loss During Macy's Fourth Of July Performance. Remains Flawless Nonetheless!

Cher Macy's music performance

Cher keeps up the promo for empowering new single, Woman's World. After her surprisingly strong showing of the song at the Voice (USA), the Diva's next stop on the promotional trail was the Macy's Fourth Of July celebrations. Unfortunately Cher didn't feel like singing live for that, instead doing a pretty poor job lipping to the song. Hey, at least she showed up!

But you know what? I ain't even bothered! I'm still riding the crest of the "Cher-can-still-sing-live" wave The Voice performance put me on! Besides, she had other, much more pressing concerns on the night- like remembering the words and keeping that darn hair out of her flawless face.

[Watch]Taylor Swift And Ed Sheeran Perform "Everything Has Changed" @ Macy's Fourth Of July Celebrations

taylor swift Ed Sheeran live music

 Taylor Swift gave a live rendition of her latest single, Everything Has Changed at the Macy's Fourth Of July celebrations. The song, taken from fourth album Red, features British vagabond Ed Sheeran, who crossed the Atlantic ocean (tiny guitar in hand) to join the Diva on stage in Texas.

It was a nice performance from the pair, but Taylor did seem slightly more subdued than normal. Though, to be fair, she was hardly going to be doing back flips on that elevated stage. Oh well, enjoy!