Thursday 28 March 2013

[Cover] Lana Del Rey Attempts A Leonard Cohen Song! *GASP*

I did not wake up today thinking I'd be hearing new music from Lana Del Rey, but that's just what's happened!! Sharing with us a little bit of her own musical tastes, Lana has just released a cover of Leonard Cohen's Chelsea Hotel No. 2. For what purpose (New album? For fun? Because she was bored?), Lana hasn't revealed yet; but new music is new music and I'm receiving it with open arms and fawning gratitude!

There's none of the sweeping production that has become almost synonomous with Lana's music, rather the backing mimics the original in it's simplicity, with just a guitar to accompany the vocal. It takes a brave individual to cover a Leonard Cohen song so faithfully- as the comparisons (and thus criticisms) are so much easier to draw- but I think Lana Del Rey might actually surprise a few people with this sensitive and expressive rendition.

Monday 25 March 2013

[Review] Ariana Grande "The Way"

It's finally appeared, people! Ariana Grande’s rumoured material has surfaced and has fans both squealing with excitement and frowning in concern.

The Way is a piano-led pop Rnb record that carries some inspiration from the 90’s- something helped, in a big way, by the use of its sample, Not a Player by Big Pun. The Lyrics are more catchy than well written but what more can be expected of a children’s sitcom star?

Ariana’s vocals are both very light and airy but also full and resonant, with some instances of whistle register at the songs climax. However, the vocals are also what some may label "bothersome" because although the singer has shown us, in live performances, a glimpse of the character her own voice possesses, this record doesn't build on that, instead being extremely “Mariah Carey-esque” in its delivery.

This could be seen as both good and bad for the young singer. Ultimately it shows Ariana is a very capable vocalist, I mean you'd have to be to emulate Mariah. But, there's also a danger of being branded a "cheap knock-off" if she fails to establish her own sound and keeps trying to mimic other singers.

Even so, The Way is a great first attempt and should do its job of building recognition for the budding popstar as it's undeniably a catchy song! It just needs more Ariana in it and less "Song Bird Supreme" (AKA Mariah).

Rating: C+

Thanks to Brian [better known as "Flylikeabrian" on this site] for penning the review!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Watch Ke$ha *Ahem* "Rock" The 2013 Kids' Choice Awards

I never got the chance to say how much I ended up actually liking Ke$ha's new album Warrior, after totally hating on its first single, Die Young. But there you go, it's now out there for all to read, and I ain't ashamed of it!! Now that that's out the way, watch the Glitter Queen performing a medley of We R Who We R and, her last single, C’mon, at the 2013 Kids' Choice Awards.

Unsurprising to most, the performance wasn't great on the vocal front. But she did pretend to play a few chords on an electric guitar, so we should probably let her off for the slightly wonky delivery, right? Yes? Glad you agree! Swiftly moving on, at least Ke$ha managed to work into the arrangement some of the grungier, rock influences that she initially promised would be present (but weren't really) on Warrior. The Kids' Choice Awards didn't seem like the right venue for it, but I enjoyed it nonetheless!

Check out Ke$ha's performance below!

[Watch] Christina Aguilera And PitBull Perform "Feel This Moment" @ 2013 Kids' Choice Awards

It seems Christina Aguilera's collaboration with Pitbull might actually see the singer getting her first big hit since...anyone? That being so, I'm willing to get over how crappy Feel This Moment is-even getting behind it- if there's a chance that it blowing-up big might resuscitate the Diva's career.

Friday 22 March 2013

[Watch] Jessica Sanchez And Ne-Yo Perform "Tonight" @ American Idol. (Mariah Remains Seated)

Last year's American idol runner-up (some would argue its robbed, "real" winner), Jessica Sanchez returned to the stage which birthed her celebrity to perform her first single, the Ne-Yo assisted Tonight.

Despite having a voice on her, I'm surprised to see that Sanchez went for an upbeat number that isn't particularly challenging on the ol' chords as a first single choice. But I can see why she chose to do that. Not only are our big voiced Divas not really selling at the moment (bar Adele), but in going upbeat it allows the teenager to embrace her youth, remain relevant, all while showing everyone that she isn't only a ballad singer. All in all, an accomplished performance that showed just how at home Jessica Sanchez is on a big stage.

As for the song, I'm with Mariah (who is looking stunning, FYI): it's okay, but nothing worth getting up for.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

[Watch] Glee Cover Mariah Carey And Nicki Minaj...Badly.

After watching a clip of what television show Glee did to Mariah Carey's I Still Believe and Nicki Minaj's Super Bass, I have no option but to conclude this was a joke that I, having not watched the entire episode, wasn't in on. Just listen to the arrangement on the Mariah song, if that wasn't hilarious enough they've thrown in Darren Criss' dancing to guarantee laughs aplenty. I mean, what other rational conclusion can a person come to after watching this? That it was supposed to be taken serious? Don't be silly!

Monday 18 March 2013

[New Music] Beyonce Commands You To Bow Down, With The Release Of Two New Songs!

For someone who usually likes to do things with a fair amount of hype, Beyonce sure did come like a thief in the night [no shade] with new buzz tracks, Bow Down / I Been On. Released on the star's Tumblr, the tracks hit the net without any warning but unsurprisingly, considering how thirsty people have been for new music from her, it's a tactic that has generated a huge amount of press. A smart move, it seems.

The songs themselves are interesting in that they offer us an insight into the direction Bey might be taking with her new album. I especially like the beat for the second song I Been on, which has already been featured as the backing on the adverts for her 02 concerts in the UK. The weird voice used on it, I'm not feeling so much, but as this is most likely just the song's outro I can't really judge it until I hear the full thing. As for Bow Down, Beyonce has never exactly been humble when playing alter ego Sasha Fierce- see Diva, Upgrade You, Check On It- but the boastfulness here is a little overwhelming. Honestly, I'm not sure I buy into it, but after the hazy, wishy-washy era Beyonce just had, I can totally understand why she's come back stronger and more bolshy.