Sunday 17 March 2013

[New Music] Joanna Newsom Covers "The North Star Grassman and the Ravens"

You do not know how much I need another Joanna Newsom record in my life right now. Almost as if to tease me, the quirky songstress has released a cover of The North Star Grassman and the Ravens , by Sandy Denny to help promote something or other [Read more about what here]. Yeah, I admit I hadn't heard of the original before this, but  I'll definitely be looking out for more from Sandy Denny as a result.

Simply Joanna and her harp, this cover transports me back to when I first heard this magical artist. Initially her "unique" voice took a little getting used to- it's a cross between a witch and a young child(!)- but the whole process was made a lot smoother and speedier by the immediate beauty of her harp playing. Since then, I can't get enough of the wonderful Ms. Newton.

Friday 15 March 2013

[Music Video] Pitbull And Christina Aguilera Make Ugly Music Together On "Feel This Moment"...Ergh(!)

I just can't be dealing with Pitbull and his smug self today, but since our Chrissy is featured in the song I had to post this. The video for Feel This Moment has been a long time coming, but since it has Christina Aguilera involved, I can't imagine anyone is surprised with the delay; this is one Diva who doesn't seem to understand the importance of timing when it comes to promotion.

[New Music] Original Sugababes (AKA MKS) Return With "Swimming Pools"

I'm still convinced that the original, reformed line-up of the Sugababes- now calling themselves Mutya Keisha Siobhan- are going to implode in an cloud of ferocious cooties before their highly anticipated second album ever sees the light of day (prove me wrong girls). But if that does happen, at least we've got this new recording to show us that the magic that was present on One Touch wasn't a fluke occurrence back in 2000, but is still there today.

Released on producer Blood Orange's Soundcloud, the new track, Swimming Pools, finds the trio reworking the Kendrick Lamar song (of the same name). Thankfully their ability to harmonise hasn't suffered from their time apart, remaining as tight and fresh as ever. But what really stands out is how the girls have clearly developed and grown as solo singers.

And to think, this was only the Divas supposedly "having a bit of fun" after their "last (recording) session"! If this was produced while having "fun", I can't even fathom how amazing the material they've actually invested real time and effort in creating will end up being! *Gets a bucket for the drool*

Please, please, pleeeeeeeeease let this truce between the ladies hold- at the very least until the album drops! My life will never be complete without it.

Thursday 14 March 2013

[Music Video] Taylor Swift Goes All Hipster In The Video For "22"

As much as I love Taylor Swift's album Red, new single 22, which has just been given the video treatment, isn't my cup of tea at all. The video makes it crystal clear it's not aimed at me and my crusty old male self anyway, so I don't feel so bad about us not being besties. (If you want to know the affect all this exposure to pep and youthful exuberance had on me, just check out this video; it's a pretty spot on representation of  my reaction).

The whole thing does make me wonder why Tay keeps releasing songs that encourage the public perception that all she does is bang on about old flames in her music- something which I know not to be true. But I suppose if it's what's selling for her, who cares what the public is saying or thinking; their opinion isn't what's responsible for all that currency bloating her bank account.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

[Vocal Profile/ Range] Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake

Vocal Type: Lyric Tenor
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves 2 notes and a semitone(F#2-B5)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses:Justin Timberlake possesses a light, youthful and warm voice that is agile and capable of executing vocal runs [Hear: Pop, Gone]. Thanks in part to its lightness, as well as the varied textures that are found throughout its range, the voice lends exceptionally well to harmonising both with itself and with others. Not just restricted to singing, he also is able to manipulate the voice to recreate percussive instruments, demonstrating this "beatboxing" on various tracks [Hear: Pop, Cry Me A River ].

Timberlake's lower range extends into the second octave and he demonstrates surprising comfort while navigating it. Here the notes are of medium weight, but can be hit with a smooth, soft texture [Harmonies: LoveStoned], or with an almost vocal fry, guttural like ring to them [Harmonies:If I] .

In the third octave the voice begins to lose weight rapidly, and brighten significantly. Its lower half is smoky and rounded, but as it rises it takes on the thin, nasal, almost metallic sound that is characteristic of the voice as a whole.[Hear: (Another Song) All Over Again]

In the belting range the voice becomes stringy, lighter and even thinner. Though not particularly powerful, the voice has a piercing quality that allows for it to remain at the forefront of the track, stopping it from becoming lost or overpowered. In live settings, Timberlake's belting voice can gain a raspy edge, but whether this is due to the voice not being in peak condition at the time or it simply being an artistic choice, is unknown.

Timberlake is perhaps best known for his abilities to sing in falsetto; which starts at the beginning of the fifth octave [C5]. His comfort in this part of the range means he can sing for long periods within it without fatigue, execute melisma here and hold notes without issue. Unlike other male falsettos, which are often airy and light, Timberlake’s has a solid form that shares many characteristics- such as the brassy tone- with the belting range. He is also able to play with the dynamics of falsetto, which adds to the versatility of how he can apply it. [Cry Me A River]

Vocal Negatives: Nasal tone and falsetto heavy singing isn't to everyone's liking. Also there is a disconnect between his modal voice and falsetto which limits how he can navigate these two parts of his voice.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

[Music Video] Kelly Rowland "Kisses Down Low"

kelly rowland blonde hair

Kelly Rowland makes a smart move by finally toning down the smut with the video for new single, Kisses Down Low. Previous singles, Motivation and Ice, had seen Kelly overtly embrace her sexuality on camera, but her liberation came at the expense of the success of those songs as their accompanying videos were relegated to Rnb channels and late night showings. Impediments to mainstream success that Kisses hopefully won't have to deal with.

[Live] Nicole Scherzinger Performs "Boomerang" At Let's Dance for Comic Relief, Daybreak And The Jonathan Ross Show

There are times when a live performance of a song can cause you to change your opinion on it a full 180°. I'll be the first to admit that Beyonce's Run The World sounded like noise until I saw this live showing of it at the American Music Awards. Unfortunately this hasn't happened for Nicole Scherzinger and her new single Boomerang, which the Ex-Pussycat Doll has been promoting all over British television in the hopes it'll chart high this weekend.

I like Nicole. Not only does she have a strong voice and is an able performer, but she seems a sweet and amiable individual- if her stint on X-Factor is to be believed. Liking her so, I really wanted to be able to root for this track, but Boomerang was dead on arrival and nothing she seems to do- short of remixing it, perhaps- is going to give it any life. Shame really.

Nicole Scherzinger has so much potential, but thus far in her solo career it's been wasted on mostly mediocre material. Let's hope the next single will buck this trend and blow us all away.