Wednesday 30 January 2013

[Vocal Profile] Kimbra Johnson

Kimbra Johnson

Vocal Type: Lyric Soprano
Vocal Range: 4 Octaves 1 note and a semi-tone (C#3-D#7)
Whistle Register:Yes
Vocal Pluses: Kimbra's voice isn't like that of a powerhouse Diva, but instead its strength lies in its unique timbre and the the quirky jazz-inspired way she wields it.

Her low notes are not well supported (though an artistic decision) but are still characterful and identifiable [as demonstrated by the A#2 in Somebody Please]. She's at her most comfortable between the notes F3-C5; where the voice has a surprising warmth, tinges of smokiness, and a delicate quality [Hear: Limbo].

Overall her voice is head-dominate, which is perhaps why the weight of the voice is so light. In this upper-register, Kimbra exhibits much  freedom, being able to navigate it easily and effortlessly [Settle Down] and able to jump from a belt to a head-voice note with impressive dexterity.

Her belting range shares this dexterity-she can jump from a F3-F#5 in elastic and energetic bouts [Hear: Call Me]. However, as the voice climbs past A4 it drops weight quickly, becoming lighter but brighter and steelier in tone. To give the upper belts more substance Kimbra often layers and incorporates them within harmonies, or uses studio effects to give the sound an "artificially cavernous" one.

Vocal Negatives: Kimbra's voice doesn't carry much weight, which is surprisingly light considering how dark her tessitura is (F3-D5). Her chest voice also has a tendency to sound "throaty", which, in combination with her unusual vibrato and quirky styling, may not be to everyone's taste.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

[New Music] Tweet "Enough"

Tweet has been gone too long! Eight years since her last album, It's Me Again, it looks like the singer-songwriter is finally ready to mount a comeback in 2013. 'Bout time too!

Last year, the Southern Hummingbird reminded us how much we miss her music in our life with the Soundcloud-hosted, "Tweet Tuesdays". A weekly event- unsurprisingly held on a Tuesday- where an unheard song was released to the public for exactly zero monies. However, this year a proper release is in the pipeline; with new material set to join songs already recorded for an unreleased 2008 album.

Sunday 27 January 2013

[Single Review] Nicole Scherzinger: "Boomerang"

What is it with Nicole Scherzinger? This is one Diva who can dance, can sing and has an eye for the "X-Factor". So how is it that she never seems to quite hit the mark with her own material! New single Boomerang is no different.

Produced by Will.I.Am, Boomerang is unfortunately a rather dull and flat experience. I would have loved to have heard Nicole's tones over his typical, more jagged production, but for some reason Mr I.Am decided to play Russian roulette with Nicole's comeback and dish out this undercooked record when Scherzy came knocking. I only hope she didn't pay full whack for the pleasure.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Kimberley Walsh Performs "One Day I'll Fly Away" Live @ National Television Awards

Runner-up on Strictly Come Dancing and Girls Aloud member, Kimberley Walsh has an album of cover songs (taken from popular musicals, no less) coming out next month. Did you know that? I didn't! So how did I find out about it while you remained in the dark? Well, I happened to stumble upon the video for the first single to be lifted from that album: the Randy Crawford, but Moulin Rouge inspired version, of One Day I'll Fly Away.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Beyonce Confirmed To Have Lip-Synced At Obama Inauguration

How quickly things can change in a day. Yesterday saw Beyonce sing her heart out during the President's Inauguration and, as a result of it, gain worldwide acclaim for her stirring rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner.

Monday 21 January 2013

[Watch] Kelly Clarkson And Beyonce At 2013 Obama Inauguration

beyonce kelly clarkson

Our American Divas were out in force to celebrate the second term inauguration of President Obama in Washington, DC. Kelly Clarkson was the first to show her patriotic pride, giving a rousing rendition of My Country Tis of Thee which concluded with quite a few held notes that really let Kelly's impressive vibrato shine. Overall this was a performance that wasn't as polished as Beyonce's, but it's hard to knock the emotion it packed.

Saturday 19 January 2013

[Music Video] Tamar Braxton's Weave Steals The Show In Video For "Love And War"

I think Tamar Braxton has realised that Love And War isn't going to happen at this point. It's a realisation that might explain the fiscally considerate, black and white video that has been served to accompany the delicious Rnb groove- which let's not forget managed to hit #1 on the Itunes chart for all of about 24 hours.

"Truth be told", Tamar's weave was the thing that held my eyes captive throughout the entirety of the video. The way she worked it so artistically and with such flair had me convinced it was a metaphor for the tumultuous relationship of the lyrics. I just can't figure out how at this point. What I am sure of, is that a large portion of the budget went on its maintenance- so consistently luxurious and life-giving it was.