Showing posts with label tenor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tenor. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 November 2015

[Vocal Profile] Brendon Urie ("Panic at The Disco" )

Brendon Urie

Vocal Type: Leggiero Tenor
Vocal Range: D2-D6 (4 Octaves)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Brendon Urie has a unique instrument with an instantly recognizable tone. A bright voice in the alternative rock genre, he is capable of melisma, manipulating the tone of his voice and sustaining notes for long periods of time. He is comfortable throughout his entire range from the lower to the upper extremes and can switch to different parts of his voice with little to no difficulty [I Believe in a Thing Called Love]. Consummate live singer, he is able to replicate his studio recordings perfectly.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

[Vocal Profile] Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder

Vocal Type: Lyric Tenor
Tessitura:   2 Octaves (F3-F5)
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves 5 Notes and a semitone (F2-D#6)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Stevie Wonder's lower register is light in weight with a color that is nasal, which makes his lower register sound somewhat thin. It extends down to D2 with a vocal fry extension but he can hit an F2 with his modal voice. As a result, the F2 is much more healthy in its quality. Wonder exhibits a slightly smoky texture as he extends up to around the E3 mark, but his resonance is lost below G3. Overall, his lower register is achieved using decent technique.

His mid voice, spanning from G3-E4, showcases his nasal tone better. His voice is light in weight but somewhat thick in tone- most likely due to the nasal placement. In this register Wonder has plenty of freedom and agility. His falsetto, for a man breaks late at around E4 (2 notes shy that of a typical tenor) which places him in the realm of the highest tenors. Overall, this area is achieved using brilliant technique, via mixing or high nasal placement.

His belting register is the strongest and most impressive part of the range. Extending from E4 to an impressive A#5 (though the video claims a C#6 which is ridiculous) this is where his tone really shines. His E4 to B4 sounds light and thick with a slightly velvety texture, but as he hits the C5, his voice becomes brighter with mezzo-soprano like weight. His elasticity is uncanny for a male; being able to complete complex and quick vocal runs with ease. Wonder accesses these high belts with one of the most developed mix voices of all time. His technique in this area is generally phenomenal.

He generally exhibits a mix between head voice and falsetto called falsettone. It extends up to D#6, however it sounds at its most healthy at G#5. The sound itself is thick, lacking in defined resonance (though it is there as he transitions between falsettone and head voice, quite a bit above G#5) and sounds akin to a bugle in color. Any note above G#5 is not sung with the best musicianship and his technique in this register is not great.

Vocal Negatives: The head voice also needs to be improved on to strengthen its tone and connect it better to the lower range. The nasal quality of the voice is also not to everyone's taste.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

[Vocal Profile/ Range] Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake

Vocal Type: Lyric Tenor
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves 2 notes and a semitone(F#2-B5)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses:Justin Timberlake possesses a light, youthful and warm voice that is agile and capable of executing vocal runs [Hear: Pop, Gone]. Thanks in part to its lightness, as well as the varied textures that are found throughout its range, the voice lends exceptionally well to harmonising both with itself and with others. Not just restricted to singing, he also is able to manipulate the voice to recreate percussive instruments, demonstrating this "beatboxing" on various tracks [Hear: Pop, Cry Me A River ].

Timberlake's lower range extends into the second octave and he demonstrates surprising comfort while navigating it. Here the notes are of medium weight, but can be hit with a smooth, soft texture [Harmonies: LoveStoned], or with an almost vocal fry, guttural like ring to them [Harmonies:If I] .

In the third octave the voice begins to lose weight rapidly, and brighten significantly. Its lower half is smoky and rounded, but as it rises it takes on the thin, nasal, almost metallic sound that is characteristic of the voice as a whole.[Hear: (Another Song) All Over Again]

In the belting range the voice becomes stringy, lighter and even thinner. Though not particularly powerful, the voice has a piercing quality that allows for it to remain at the forefront of the track, stopping it from becoming lost or overpowered. In live settings, Timberlake's belting voice can gain a raspy edge, but whether this is due to the voice not being in peak condition at the time or it simply being an artistic choice, is unknown.

Timberlake is perhaps best known for his abilities to sing in falsetto; which starts at the beginning of the fifth octave [C5]. His comfort in this part of the range means he can sing for long periods within it without fatigue, execute melisma here and hold notes without issue. Unlike other male falsettos, which are often airy and light, Timberlake’s has a solid form that shares many characteristics- such as the brassy tone- with the belting range. He is also able to play with the dynamics of falsetto, which adds to the versatility of how he can apply it. [Cry Me A River]

Vocal Negatives: Nasal tone and falsetto heavy singing isn't to everyone's liking. Also there is a disconnect between his modal voice and falsetto which limits how he can navigate these two parts of his voice.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Vocal Profile: Adam Lambert

adam lambert singing
Adam Lambert

Vocal Type: Tenor
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves and a semitone B2-B5
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Strengths: Adam Lambert has expert control over his instrument, producing notes that are well supported, and achieved via great technique. He is capable of singing complex melisma and is able to hold notes for periods of time without wavering in pitch or tone, seemingly effortlessly.  He is an expert at mixing his voice so that the breaks between the registers aren't identifiable, and the effect of this is  that it makes the voice sound almost limitless.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Michael Jackson: Vocal Profile/ Range [High Tenor/ 4 Octaves]

DivaDevotee's first Male profile; what a joyous and momentous day! I'm not sure how frequent these "male profiles" will be, especially considering the list of female pending profiles, but I'll try to get one out at least once a month. So, who better to start with than the legend that is Michael Jackson.

Vocal Type: High Tenor
Vocal Range: 4 Octaves (F2-F6)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Michael Jackson's voice was predominately light and agile with a nimble, rhythmic dexterity that allowed for complex vocal runs, as well as allowing it to mimic instruments- such as drums- or employ trademark grunts and exclamations that were controlled and achieved via proper technique. The voice also had the strength and stamina to hold notes for lengths of time, without wavering in pitch, and the ability to emote the meaning of the lyrics exceptionally.

The low range was the heaviest part of the voice, and was surprisingly dark when compared to the higher parts of the modal range, in which he usually sang. As the voice passed into the midrange it began to lighten and brighten significantly. The chest voice had an elasticity and flexibility that allowed for it to stretch, without much impact on the tone, up to the fifth octave. The belting range had a number of timbres, being either bright, light and smooth, or coarser, slightly heavier and with an edge-see They don't care about us . The falsetto was solid, warm and more resonate than many other male singers, though it was also capable of a softer timbre if so required. Comfortable in this part of the range, Michael Jackson could sing effortlessly here holding notes, or hitting complex staccato notes- see Butterfies.

Unique and immediately recognisable voice that harmonised with itself brilliantly to create luscious and iconic layered vocals.

Vocal Negatives: Michael Jackson's tone could be considered thin and lacking in resonance, particularly in the mid-to high part of the modal register, when compared to other male singers. It should be noted that many fans consider this to be a unique, and positive, feature of the voice.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Justin Beiber- Vocal Range/ Profile

Justin Bieber

Vocal Type: Difficult to ascertain at this transitional period.
Vocal Range:2 Octaves 1 note and a semitone C#3-E5 [includes notes before puberty]
Whistle Register:No
Vocal Pluses:   Justin Bieber 's midrange is where the voice finds its most comfortable and consistent tone, which has a slight huskiness to it. This "comfort" stretches to the bottom half of his belting range, which is bright and with a cool colouring. He also has the ability to sing in a warm, breathy falsetto, that he can switch to and from easily.

Justin Beiber is able to utilise vocal runs, and to hold and maintain a note without issue. Overall he has a light voice, that has a pleasant, slightly nasal, tone.

Vocal Negatives: The voice lacks resonance and power.

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