Showing posts with label mks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mks. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

[Watch] MKS Cover Lorde's "Royal" During Accoustic Set @ Reload Sessions

While they're busy (I assume) retooling their first album in over ten years, Mutya Keisha Siobhan are continuing to maintain their public profile via various appearances here, there and everywhere- just not anything mainstream, mind. Their latest showing was an acoustic set filmed for the Reload sessions.

The three songs chosen for the stripped-back extravaganza were a cover of Lorde's Royals (which I admit I'm still not "getting", despite it blowing up over in the States), a Sugababes classic, In The Middle, and a new track titled No Regrets. Needless to say, the trio were on point as soloists and when combining their powers, continuing to demonstrate why they are one of the best vocal harmony groups to come out of the UK.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

[Discuss] Why Did MKS's "Flatline" Flop And What Can Stop Their Comeback suffering A Similar Fate?

MKS performed their first single Flatline live for SBTV in an acoustic fashion- and of course it was amazing. What was so gorgeous about this stripped back performance was how it highlighted how great their voices work together; with the ladies handling the alto, mezzo, and soprano roles of the harmonies without ever losing the individuality of their own voices.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

[Music Video] Sunny MKS Video For "Flatline" Gives This Viewer The Chills

The Sugababes MKS video for Flatline has arrived, marking the first time the ladies have been seen on celluloid together since 2001's Soul Sound video. Unfortunately, whereas the record itself was worth the wait, the uninspired video I could have done without.

The biggest problem I have with the video is the lack of ANY chemistry between the members. The video does its best to convince us that all is well- because nothing says "best friends" like being crammed onto a bike with them- but I'm not buying it! Even the sunny climes of the video did little to raise the frosty feel.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

[Single Review] MutyaKeishaSiobhan: "Flatline"

This is not the sound I was expecting MKS (Mutya Keisha Siobhan) to be launching their return to music with, so colour me surprised! I'm just not sure whether it's a good surprise or not at this moment.

Definitely sounding maturer than their last outing together- hardly a shock considering that was over ten years ago- new single Flatline sees the ladies taking an 80's pop route that initially brought to mind Fleetwood Mac's Big Love. However as the song played out, it quickly becomes less reminiscent and more contemporary, oozing the freshness that was/still is so synonymous with trio.

Producer, Dev Hynes has done a beautiful job with the song's arrangement: balancing it so it's structurally interesting throughout, but left with enough sonic space for the ladies to implement their brand of killer vocals (which are stunning!). The overall effect is one of quiet beauty, rather than that which smacks you around the head with its plumage, and that's where I worry because the song doesn't come off as immediately radio friendly. Their name alone should be enough to get Flatline on heavy rotation- which is half the battle won- but it's still undoubtedly a risky choice for a first single.

Cool, well constructed and exceptionally sung ( I especially love Siobhan's part in the bridge), Flatline is pretty great; it's just not as strong a first single as I was hoping. Still, critics are going nuts for it, so, fingers crossed, that's a positive sign of impending success for this overdue reunion.

Friday, 15 March 2013

[New Music] Original Sugababes (AKA MKS) Return With "Swimming Pools"

I'm still convinced that the original, reformed line-up of the Sugababes- now calling themselves Mutya Keisha Siobhan- are going to implode in an cloud of ferocious cooties before their highly anticipated second album ever sees the light of day (prove me wrong girls). But if that does happen, at least we've got this new recording to show us that the magic that was present on One Touch wasn't a fluke occurrence back in 2000, but is still there today.

Released on producer Blood Orange's Soundcloud, the new track, Swimming Pools, finds the trio reworking the Kendrick Lamar song (of the same name). Thankfully their ability to harmonise hasn't suffered from their time apart, remaining as tight and fresh as ever. But what really stands out is how the girls have clearly developed and grown as solo singers.

And to think, this was only the Divas supposedly "having a bit of fun" after their "last (recording) session"! If this was produced while having "fun", I can't even fathom how amazing the material they've actually invested real time and effort in creating will end up being! *Gets a bucket for the drool*

Please, please, pleeeeeeeeease let this truce between the ladies hold- at the very least until the album drops! My life will never be complete without it.
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