Showing posts with label mariah carey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mariah carey. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Mariah Carey Snaps On Fallon With "The Distance"

Post by: Diva Devotee
Caution is here, Betches! Go stream, buy and tell your home gurl!

Promoting the masterpiece on The Tonight Show, Mariah Carey took latest single The Distance (and its feature Ty Dolla $ign) out for a live showing. And boy, what a showing it was.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Does Mariah Carey Artificilaly Create her Studio Vocals?

Post by: Diva Devotee
The Elusive Chanteuse was a great album, regardless of the bleak sales. But something about some of the tunes on the LP always got my Spidey senses tingling. It was definitely Mariah Carey but the voice had a Splenda quality to it in parts, if ya get what I mean.

Mariah's voice is of course subject to change and has done so with each release- there's an article or video in that. So I reconciled this unease with an adapted technique, namely shedding weight and taking a more nasal attack, to hit the higher notes.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

[Review] VH1 Divas: Unsilent Night

"Never get your hopes up" is a phrase I mostly abide by. But knowing VH1 Divas was returning after a four year hiatus, I couldn't help but put aside my natural pessimism and be hyped after reading who was taking part. Silly me.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

CBC News Shadily Uploads Mariah Carey's Mic Feed To YouTube

Mariah Carey, the Queen Of Christmas, must be starting to feel the rain of those pennies falling as the holiday season approaches. That's one thing to smile about for a Diva in the midst of an  uncoupling from her billionaire fiancé. What she isn't going to be so happy about is the uploading by CBC News of what appears to be the microphone feed from a free concert she held in Toronto.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Mariah Carey Sounds Great on Empire-featured "Infamous"

Strictly speaking, this is actually a duet. Taken from Mariah Carey's stint on hit show Empire, the Jermaine Dupri and Bryan Michael Cox produced cut also features Jussie Smollett. Full disclosure, never seen the show but this dude sure does sound like Usher.

Vocally, Mariah's midrange is where this ballad keeps it locked, and it sounds good! Staying away from the breathy, "whisper" register, Infamous sees the Diva FINALLY giving us clear and direct vocals. Don't get me wrong, I love the airy voice when filling out a harmony or used sparingly to add texture to the vocal line. But more often than not, it's unnecessary, distracting and gives the false impression the voice is more damaged than it is.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Declining voices: What's a Diva To Do?

Decline is an inevitability for all of us and everything. Physics even has a theory for it: The second law of thermodynamics. And our Divas, as magical as they are, are no exception to this.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Mariah Carey Gets Wet With Kimmel

Mariah Carey is heading back to Vegas to resume her #1 to Infinity residency at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace. And what better way to entice the plebs to come to the show than by hitting a prime time talk show and singing a few of the classics featured on the set-list. Ya know, to remind the folks what cha all about.

But nope, this is Mariah and she don't do anything any way but her way. Still, it was an entertaining seven minutes which surprisingly ended with the Diva getting into an actual bath with host, Jimmy Kimmel.

What a good sport!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

[Watch] Trailer for Mariah Carey's New Reailty Series Airs On YouTube

You must have heard by now that Mariah Carey fired her old management team. Well the replacement squad clearly hit the ground running, getting the Diva back on the road and back into shape (vocally and physically).

Next stop on their rebrand of the Queen of the '90s, is to (I assume) make her seem "normal" and somewhat relatable.  And what better, and quicker, way to do that than a reality show on the network that gave us the iconic Kardashian brood.

Taken from E!’s  own blurb of the eight-episode series, entitled Mariah's World :

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Mariah Carey (Basically) Admits to being a Studio Singer

Everybody knows Mariah Carey has a track record of spotty vocals when it comes to taking her material on the road.

Yes, yes, the five-octave singer has had some incredibly stellar live showings in her mammoth career- I'm not disputing that. But for the most part, this is a Diva who has been consistently dogged by accusations of lip-syncing and post production being used to help bring the live vocals up to the level of those she laid down in the studio.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

7 Surprise Moments From Mariah Carey's "Sweet Fantasy" Tour Date @ The 02

The elusive chanteuse herself, Mariah Carey, arrived in London yesterday. Performing to a sold-out crowd at the O2 arena, it marked the latest stop on her Sweet Fantasy tour. And of course, as was the case over a decade ago when she last toured the UK, I was there with the Lambs!

Monday, 7 March 2016

[Battle Of The Legends] Whitney Houston Vs Mariah Carey Vs Celine Dion

Whitney Houston Vs Mariah Carey Vs Celine Dion
Post Submitted by Dante

Battle of The Legends!!! You have...

Mariah Carey (Light Lyric Coloratura Soprano):

What separates Mariah from the other divas is her musicality, range, and crazy agility. Mariah has been known to write 95% of her music and produce a good amount, too. Mariah possesses a five octave voice, meaning the women can sing low tenor to high soprano if she wants to. Also, she has the ability to sing complex runs and riffs without wavering pitch or losing fluidity. But with all things greats comes with it's downfalls, she lacks consistency in a live setting, and low notes are often sung with a low larynx.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Rick Ross And Busta Rhymes Both Tap Mariah Carey For "Nostalgia Moments"

With two Mariah Carey videos to ruminate on today, I thought it would be best for all concerned to combine them into one mega Mariah post. Could there any better way to start your week than with some Mimi? (“Drunk” is the only other acceptable answer to that question.)

Both videos involve Mariah covering old material, so you know what that means… unavoidable comparisons! And that's never good. With that in mind, I'm only going to focus on zee pozitivez.

Monday, 14 September 2015

[OMG] Warrior Queen Mariah Carey Comes To The Rescue in "Game Of War" Commercial

I'd heard the rumours that Mariah Carey was replacing Kate Upton in the new Game of War commercial. I just didn't quite believe it was going to happen. Oh, me of little faith. The resulting advert is out and is a perfectly pitched, tongue-in-cheek extravaganza that riffs off of her hit, Hero.

Monday, 27 July 2015

[Discuss] Mariah Carey's Voice Through The Ages

When you've been lauded as the pinnacle of a field, any decline in your talent is going to be studied, critiqued and written about. And that's no different for a vocalist like Mariah Carey, whose delicate voice has changed and evolved as time has passed.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

[Wailing wall] C5 Showdown!

I know some of y'all are impatient, but please give the page about 10 seconds to load. Lot of audio files- Fank you!

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

[Music Video] Mariah Carey - "Infinity"

The snark was ready and primed for this post. The connection between the video being sooo late and Jermiane Dupri's comment that Mariah Carey "doesn't take her career as seriously as she should" was in the barrel, ready for discharge. But you know what? I actually like the visuals the Diva has come with for latest single Infinity.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

[Yikes] Jermaine Dupri Claims Mariah Carey Doesn't Take Her Career As "Seriously As She Should"

Jermaine Dupri and Mariah Carey go way back. Together they have been responsible for creating some of the Diva's biggest hits- see Always be My Baby/ We Belong Together. But it didn't stop there. The producer was also the Diva's manager for the shortest of time, and like with Janet Jackson, was blamed by fans for "mismanagement" when both flopped while he was captain of their musical ships.

However, it seems JD doesn't want to shoulder the blame for that entirely, spilling some tea while speaking to HipHollywood.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

[Listen] Mariah Carey Smashes Whistle Notes In Secret Recordings From Caesar's Palace Rehearsals

Some jammie dodger has only managed to sneak out audio from Mariah Carey's rehearsals for her upcoming residency at The Coliseum at Caesar's Palace.

I don't even want to hear people claiming these whistles are lipped!

Particularly telling of their authenticity is hearing her slide into one of the notes at 3.34. Sure, the belts are sounding heavy and slightly cumbersome, but hey, I'd rather have live and rearranged renditions than lipped and delusional feats of fakery. That's not to say I think Mariah can't still hit those notes. It's just those great vocal days are rare. Although, maybe she's purposely keeping the high/mixed belts under wraps, since it's only a rehearsal. Not long to find out either way.

Monday, 27 April 2015

[New Music] Mariah Carey - "Infinity"


Mariah Carey's new song Infinity has landed as a lyric video!!! (So no excuses for not singing along!) Taken from her latest collection of number one singles, titled #1 To Infinity, could this nostalgia-heavy track end up being the Diva's 19th Billboard number one?

Take a listen and decide for yourself!

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Mariah Carey's "One Sweet Day" Retains Billboard Hot 100 Longest Running #1 Crown!

Our prayers have been answered Diva fans!! Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men's record-breaking 16 week reign at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 remains unbroken!

Things were looking scary for a moment, with Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars being two weeks from matching the Diva's feat with Uptown Funk. But Wiz Khalifa's See You Again has come from nowhere to block the pair, ascending to the number one spot. I can't say I know of any of this dude's material, but right now, I think whatever this track sounds like, I'm going to love it.

If I were Wiz, I'd be watching out for the delivery man. I'm thinking copious amounts of champagne and a thank you note are the least he can expect!