Showing posts with label iheartradio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iheartradio. Show all posts

Monday, 26 September 2011

Lady Gaga's touching tribute to fan Jamie Rodemeyer

I had to post this moving performance of Lady Gaga singing Hair at the Iheartmusic Festival this weekend. It was dedicated to a young fan, named Jamey Rodemeyer, who sadly took his own life after being bullied at school because he was gay. Whatever people think of Lady Gaga, something good that has come from her being in the limelight is that she is given a very public, prominent voice to a whole section of society that feels excluded and ostracised by and from it, and credit has to be given for that.

Here's hoping that Lady Gaga's tribute will not only give those who are suffering, like Jamey did, hope for a better future but will more importantly give them strength to persevere through their struggle because it gets better.

School of Mime: Jennifer Lopez performs at Iheartmusic Festival. Live or play back?

Jennifer Lopez wheeled out her surprisingly memorable back catalogue- seriously, I forgot how many hits she has- for her set at the Iheartmusic festival. Now there is no question that Jennifer Lopez's set was anything but A-list and she looked stunning to boot, but many a person were asking about whether it was mimed or sung live.

Lets examine her first performance, which was of Get Right, to get a flavour of things. The dance moves weren't too heavy, or strenuous, so we could logically conclude that this was choreographed with the intention of allowing for Jennifer to sing live. You can clearly hear that there are volumes changes in the vocal, where at some points are voice isn't as pronounced as others- contrast when she goes lower in her range (3.16), to when she makes her exclamations to the crowd. 4.25 also leads me to think it was live as that section of chest notes is intermixed with a shout out to the crowd that maintains the same volume and texture as the chest notes. Finally, at 4.42 Jennifer seems to suffer from a slight breathlessness that would coincide nicely with the rather strenuous movements that had just come before it.