Monday, 10 February 2014

[New Music] Mariah Carey - "You're Mine"

No sooner had Mariah Carey performed her Valentine-due, new single You're Mine at the 2014 BET Honors, no sooner was it leaked onto the internet. Hardly a surprise, but I'm sure Mimi is a little vexed by it happening. But since it's here, we might as well take a listen.

Her new single is Rnb, through and through. It brings to mind Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel's glorious H.A.T.E.U, while simultaneously containing a little motif that had me digging up Alicia Keys' Like You'll Never See Me Again.

This "live" recording of the third single to be lifted from Carey's new album, The Art Of Letting Go, doesn't feature much of the Diva's trademark melisma- which seems to be something of a theme with this project. However, it does have some octave jumping at the song's climax. This starts on a chest note (D5), which transitions up a register to a whistle note (E6). From this high, the diva then drops to a D6, holding it until the track ends. Impressive stuff.

Though quite a good recording of You're Mine, I'm still excited to hear it in its mastered form. Not long to wait now...

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