Thanks to a link provided over at Mariahjournal I found out about this performance of All I Want For Christmas, filmed at the National Tree Lighting in Washington, DC. And just like Mariah Carey's last showing at the Rockefeller Center [here], the Diva delivered again on the night with an almost perfect rendition of the holiday classic.
Witnessing two solid performances in a row was almost enough to make me think a Christmas miracle had occurred, and that the vocalist's weathered pipes had been restored! Watch for yourself [here]- Mariah comes on at about the 57 minute mark to sing. Anyone wanting to not deal with the reality of the situation, please stop reading at this point.
Deciding I needed to share this great rendition with you guys, I headed over to Youtube to find an embeddable version- ain't nobody got time for following links, right?- to end the (what was going to be a fawning) post. Unsurprisingly, I managed to find one pretty quickly. Unexpectedly, though, was how different (bad) the vocal on the Youtube video was when compared to the one found at
It seems to be another case of team Mariah substituting the vocal on the night for another that would give the illusion of perfection. A silly move, I'd argue, which only further damages her legacy as a vocalist- even more so than the odd bad performance would.
In retrospect, I don't feel so guilty now for focusing most of my attention on the bumbling saxophonist behind Mariah while watching the "dubbed" version. It turned out to be a much better use of my time.