Thursday, 17 October 2013

[Watch] Christina Aguilera Sings Beyonce's "Listen" OnThe Voice US

It's an incy wincy clip, but I thought it was worth posting as it shows Christina Aguilera's voice in a different light- at least to me!

Giving her team on The Voice US some coaching on their delivery of Listen, the Lady Marmalade singer went into a head voice-weighted chest mix on the line "you don't know what I'm feeling". The tone produced was a surprise to me, being light-weight, sweet and like nothing I've heard from the Diva before. Her mid-range on the following demo was also music to my ears, showing how beautiful Christina's voice can be when it's not smashing you around the head with volume and faux-power.

Is this a versatility that has come with the vocal traning she was reportedly undergoing months back, or is this just the Diva using her voice in a way that she hasn't yet utalised in her recordings? Either way, I'd certainly like to hear more of this variety in texture and tone!



  1. I don't want to talk shit about her ATM, mainly becuase I'm not in the mood to piss off Christina fans, but I'm neither in the mood to compliment her either... However I will say this...quite an interesting clip.

  2. Christina's BEEN has versatility. I keep telling people most things she does vocally is intentional. Yes, the vocal training has helped, but it's been there. Listen to her at the start of her career, she sang much cleaner, and straight-forward. Then she added more grunge and rugged-ness to her voice "Stripped" Era. "Fighter" showed her voice going all out, and later on in her career "The Beautiful People" from the Burlesque soundtrack, showed that same rugged, rock, raw edge. Then you have songs like "Save me from Myself" and "Loving Me 4 Me" where her voice is so light and lovely like a songbird. Even songs like "I'm a Good Girl." There's so many levels to her voice. There's even a video I captured and uploaded of more versatility to her tone:

  3. OK I might reconsider my opinion about her... That was actually great.

  4. I think that even Ed Sheeran was surprised by that :o

  5. Even though it wasn't full voice it shows (like she has before...) that she CAN sing without strain. Im very much on the bandwagon of she sings the way she does because she calls for it artistically, though she does tend to naturally strain her belts. Until she belts a clean note no one is going to be swayed by this clip.

  6. I love how she managed to make it solid and clean at the very end. :)

  7. someone can tellme this is her natural voice or she just imitates

  8. Well clearly that (gorgeous) head voice is there, now only if she would actually mix with it.

  9. Christina has one of the most beautiful voices in the world. I just wish she would use it in a cleverer way. She needs to focus in giving her best and using her real tone instead of forcing it to be something that it is not. She is not a Etta James, the sooner she gets that, the sooner she can start to give us more performances like this one. And if she is to use melisma, she has to use it with self-restraint.

  10. I do definitely think a lot of people are being dramatic when they say her voice is over and she can't sing anymore. Because she really can, she does have an edge because of bad technique, but it's still there underneath the rust. She just definitely has a lot of bad habits when singing that make her not sound as Beautiful (no matter what she says). She wasn't in performance mode here, it was just casual "conversational" singing, she just needs to see what other people see and tweak her singing behavior a bit.

  11. Not bad, she should do a full cover, though she would probably struggle with the upper belts. Her voice sounds great in the third and fourth octave, a lot of resonance and minimal strain.

  12. She can never seem to please some people - haters will be like "this is unimpressive", Bey fans will be like "she doesn't do this as well as our queen" and even some of her fans will critique her voice down to the last little thing. This however, and another short clip of her doing a well-executed run in falsetto up to an Eb6 (can be found on YouTube) recently definitely shows some improvement at least - and she shows here that she does know how to restrain, control and mix her voice when she wants to. What I like about these clips of her coaching on The Voice is that she proves she DOES have a musical ear and musicality in her when she helps her singers carve songs to suit themselves and gives them ideas on how they can perform/sing it.

  13. Ooh, I love this clip! Definitely shows her versatility and her musicality here.

  14. It's not hard for any singer to sound fine in the 3rd and 4th octave though really, and yes it'd be nice to hear her sing this song as I believe she could relate to the lyrics, but I'd like to hear her a do a completely different take on it that is more laid-back yet heartfelt without all the belting - i.e. just like this clip but all the way through.

  15. Many girls struggle in the third octave, but Christina's voice is fine there. 4th octave I do agree though, most singers, especially female, have no issue here.

  16. Girls who struggle in the 3rd octave are mostly soprano. Most singers have at least two easy octaves.

  17. Well then she chooses to be an idiot and abuse her voice.
    That's like making the choice to smoke, knowing it will cause major health complications.
    The voice is something that should be respected, not abused.

  18. Barking is a more appropriate term for that labored sound she barely manages to produce.

  19. I think you're right and that coarse sound is for effect. The problem comes when she tries to recreate that sound live and cracks []. That's when I start to question the technique, more so than the voice itself.

  20. She needs to have a technique in order for it to be in question.

  21. Really? A not even 3 seconds bit and a 4 second bit of singing is being discussed at length here as if those could possibly tell anything real?

  22. Oh c'mon! Don't be a tease!

  23. It is pitiful how she is being lauded for not sounding like her usual mess of a self.

    I won't praise someone for doing the BASICS of singing.

    Singing on key, and singing without strain are the basic requirements of singing, not the highlights people. She can't even accomplish these basics anymore, she just splatters her whiny, wailed vocals all over the melody, completely disregarding the rhythm and structure of the song.

    Just listen to this tripe that has surfaced from this season of the voice, . She should take her own advice, because somehow it is lost in translation inside her own mind, when singing.

  24. Oh, there's where that throaty belt went....

  25. Opie, whats happned to your other account?

  26. Thats a very very bad connection to try to make. First off there is no technicality to smoking. You either do it or dont. Second Smoking in itself is an addicting and life threatening activity. There is no correlation between addiction, Bad Technique, and Death. Now, You should remember she isn't a classical singer in any way, therefor the necessity of technique in the first place isn't there at all, not that it doesnt provide good benefits. For her Career and her work in particular, she never needed technique to do the things she does and in doing so I wouldnt call her an idiot. She just doesnt find the necessity in sounding perfect (at all actually). She just chooses to sound like her favorite idols, which for her particular voice and techniques she uses to get her voice that way...are not going to prolong the clarity of her voice. But she doesnt even want nor does she need the clarity to begin with so why do we expect her to sing with clarity or good technique-when shes never had it to begin with? We've already come to expect her to sound awful in classical and technical standards. So why do people still act as if shes ever sung with ideal resonance, placement, and support?

  27. I closed it. Trying to wean myself off.

  28. I think these clips show that she actually has it. She just needs to work that sound in her belt.

  29. The comparison is not over technicality, it is making a poor choice knowing that it will bring about negative effects. Glad you had fun going off on the tangent that you did.

    "you should remember she isn't a classical singer in any way, therefor the necessity of technique in the first place isn't there at all"

    She is a SINGER, the demand for a technique has always been a necessity. It is what accentuates the natural qualities of the voice, maximizes potential, and allows longevity. A singer should sound EFFORTLESS. She can't even sing the simplest of phrases, yet she tries to pass herself off as a first-class vocalist. I don't know where you get the idea that non-classical music has no requirements to it, have you not listened to music through the years or globally? Singing and music has rules kiddo, it isn't a free for all. Sure it is a wonderful beauty of self expression, but there are rules that exist within it.

    "She just chooses to sound like her favorite idols" Well she has far missed the mark, considering her idols could sing in tune, didn't abuse a song with overwrought melisma, and their voices lasted, unlike Xtina's. Her voice has noticeably declined in a very short period of time, a mezzo voice like hers should be entering its prime, not reminiscing about the "golden years" that are long gone.

    "But she doesnt even want nor does she need the clarity to begin with so why do we expect her to sing with clarity or good technique-when shes never had it to begin with?" She does need the clarity, and we should expect her to sing with a good technique because that is one of the basics of singing.

    "So why do people still act as if shes ever sung with ideal resonance, placement, and support?" She has, when she stays within the limited self-imposed comfort zone of hers.

  30. XD. That has me giggling a little.

  31. hahahahaha omg
    hilarious GIF

  32. Regardless of the destructive nature of her technique, the comparison to a life threatening activity is still an unnecessary connection to try to establish. :) Second - She is an entertainer and an artist first, and a singer second. Her job is to wow a crowd, sell songs, and sell her image. That is her primary focus as a business woman. Her career (unlike an Opera singer) is NOT established upon vocal technicality and a set of vocal "laws". It's set upon a business ethic. If the career of a pop star were truly so dependent on their singing ability the try to explain half the pop sensations who cant even carry a tune. Her voice has declined in clarity, but not in really anything else. Her range and "ease" is still in tact as she never truly had the ease to begin with. The only thing that has changed is the texture of her voice. And the instances of her messing up on stage on "simplistic" notes has been there since the beginning of her career so its truly nothing new.

  33. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan18 October 2013 at 11:49

    a person who makes musical sounds with the voice

    What? "She is a SINGER, the demand for a technique has always been a necessity." No.

  34. bad 1 (bd)
    adj. worse (wûrs), worst (wûrst)
    1. Not achieving an adequate standard; poor:

    Combine that with singer and you have Christina.
    She sings, yes, by definition she is singing, and by definition she sings poorly. I know you probably thought you were being clever, sadly you were only adding on to what I said :(

  35. Whether it is unnecessary is completely subjective, learn that you're spouting opinions, not facts, kiddo.

    I don't care what she labels herself as, as long as she sings I will critique her as a singer, as she is doing the act of singing. There are no "laws" in singing, there are however standards. There are classical standards and non-classical standards, Christina falls horribly short of the latter's. A female should never be straining on notes as low as F4 and G#4, not "stylistic" strain, actual strain from poor technique.

    Janis didn't have a bad technique, David and Chester Bennington have poor moments, but unlike Xtina all these singers can deliver songs in-tune and without strain on a largely more consistent basis.

    I never once said the career of a pop star was dependent on singing ability, I have reiterated that a singer should be able to sing properly, no matter how complicated or how simple the vocal styling. Most of those pop sensations are popular for catchy lyrics and dancy production, plus they become famous for pitch-corrected studio recordings, not their live performances. If singers became famous off their live performances, you'd see an alarmingly large number of artists disappear off the radar.

    Look at yourself, that will answer your question on why these people are popular, people like you will make excuses for them and support their endeavors.

    Funny how you're trying to pass off her consistent negatives as positives, I won't say anything else beyond this.

  36. That's what happens when she sings like the smaller set lyric she is, not the dramatic that she thinks she is.

  37. Going to keep it a bit shorter this time and just respond to a few points I have something to say on. I really don't know any of those bands you mentioned but I will check out some of those names for sure.
    I am posting as "guest" because I closed my disqus account. In a vain attempt to distance myself a bit from the internet. Or rather the commenting section of it.

    Americana is covers? I think you must not be as familiar with the genre as you are with Punk and Metal ;-)

    Because that is very incorrect.

    You are absolutely correct though that "true" is completely a subjective term. As is whether a genre is true to an artist. Again, I think Miley is way more than Rock. She herself HAS stated that Rock music doesn't feel like "her" anymore and she wishes Bangerz had been her first album as she feels it is the most "true" representation as to who she is.
    I think in her rock era there was a lot more compromising going on than she now is happy with. Also of course, one does an awful ot of growing up in one's late teens.
    Seeing as I only really seen the Miley now, I dare say it is logical that to me the 16 year old compromising Miley doesn't seem as "true" as today's Miley to someone like me?

    ALL of the women I mentioned are very capable of going on talkshows, doing comedy routines and of hosting SNL though.
    But I can see you ARE very very taken with Miley. Much as I like her, my head is a little cooler. ;-)

    (I wish I could share some Anouk's price interviews with you but they are all in Dutch and there are no subtitled videos. )
    Having said that, I do agree she seems to possess intelligence, humor, kind heart and punky attitude indeed. That combination is why I really like her. (but like I said...I feel there are more fitting that description) The paralyzing sexiness I am not feeling. Though she does have the best legs I have seen in ages. ;-)

    But she is sexually not my type and also at least one generation too young for me. LOL

    And to clarify one or two things. I was impressed with the choice of Lilac wine and the mention of The Matador because those are songs that are simply usually not on the radar of one so young. And even if they are, most people that age are not likely to appreciate them.
    (not agreeing at all btw with your rating of the Matador but then again I suspect you, unlike me, are not a female nor likely, maybe of that generation Peters is? Which is why I especially don't agree with it being Mawkish (false).)

    I totally agree that the accusations thrown at Miley have little to no connection to any reality as is evident in,indeed, how all those Rappers speak of her. And yes, I noticed she has had the same band for a long time. In fact I put in a little research into those band members and see they are seriously educated musicians. One or two of them having attended Berklee. These are not the kind of musicians who would opt to work with people lacking real musical talent or are merely a superficial made by the studio popstarlettes.
    I think a lot can be deduced always by the kind of people someone associates with and how they speak of that person.

    Miley stacks up well there. :-)

    Thanks again for the link, I am going to end this reply with two Kate Bush videos to back up my claim regarding her ability to do comedy routines etc.

  38. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan18 October 2013 at 14:20

    All you said was that a singer has to have technicality. But they don't. All they need to have is the ability to make musical sounds with the voice.

    Honey, stop thinking you're right. Just because you think Christina is bad doesn't mean everyone else has to. I'm not supporting you, nor am I not. I am merely stating that technique isn't a necessity. I'm sorry you couldn't understand. :(

  39. That just about sums up how I feel about this clip...

  40. You do realize a dictionary will provide you the bare minimum (less than that, to be honest) you need to about a subject right? Go pick up a book on music theory, vocal pedagogy, hell, even see talk to a vocal coach and you'd be "singing" to a different tune. Just like every profession on earth, there are expectations. Your attempt at using the dictionary was just laughable, the fact that you're still pursuing it is even more so. The definition told you (loosely) what a singer is, there are expectations of a singer, some are personal, and some are universal.

    Funny how I should stop because I don't agree with your ideals, never once have I said "stop thinking Xtina is a good singer". All I have done is provide why I don't feel she is.

    And the inverse to your train of thought would be this, just because you and that person Brian think she is a good doesn't mean everyone else has too. Just as you are allowed to express your opinions, as am I.

    "Girl don't go all Scientology with me" First off, I am a guy, use the proper pronouns, if you were attempting to use that in the gay slang manner, you should have said "gurl". Otherwise, stick to the proper pronouns.

  41. Janis had quite terrible technique in the same standard that you are using for Christina, so we must be thinking of different Joplins. You DID comment on her longevity which ties into her career in general so yes you did in fact comment on the dependencies of music and vocals in a musicians career. :) I am not trying to make excuses for Christina. In fact I often blatantly point out her flaws and hope for the better she improves. However I am also capable of realizing that she doesnt sing under the same standards that you seem to be placing everyone under. She doesnt desire perfection. Shes never stated that she ever did and never has passed herself off as a perfected vocal talent. In the end your own critique of Christina (blatantly stating that she is an idiot because she doesnt choose to sing the way you desire) is also just as subjective and opinionated as your comparison to smoking. Her vocal technique isnt going to kill her, nor anyone else. It wont help her voice retain clarity and brightness but its not shooting herself in the foot either. I dont think ive ever made excuses for anyone? in fact all ive pointed out is that she has bad technique, probably knows she has bad technique, and doesnt care. Unlike you who is constantly trying to behave as if none of these things matter in the end and that all that matters is sounding "Nice" and "Retrained". When in fact none of this was part of CHristinas career to begin with. And your comment earlier about her singing well in her restrained times? Also technically FALSE as she is always nasal, unsupported, breathy, and consistently lacking any sort of resonating potential.

  42. and you also shouldnt be as defensive as you are behaving if others express their opinions JUST as strongly as you have yours.

  43. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan18 October 2013 at 16:41

    I am only going to reply to you with regarding to your gender pronoun. I will use whatever I please as that name seemed to be unisexual. Also, because you were such a bitch I made the assumption.

    Also, you have no right to tell me how I want to use my words. I understand the pronoun because you're a guy, but if I wanted to use GIRL instead of GURL, It's my choice. Do you really find this girl gurl thing so debatable? Wow.

  44. I commented on the longevity of her VOICE, not her CAREER.

    I don't ask perfection of a singer, if you think singing mostly in tune and not straining is asking too much... I won't even comment. If you're satisfied with piss poor, and mediocre, continue on, you can feel free to call my expectations high, and I'll feel free to call yours incredibly low.

    "In the end your own critique of Christina (blatantly stating that she is an idiot because she doesnt choose to sing the way you desire)" I said she is an idiot because she is singing in a way that is DAMAGING to her voice, if it just so happens that I desire for a singer not to abuse their voice, then yes, I did call her an idiot for not singing the way I desire.

    "Is also just as subjective and opinionated as your comparison to smoking. Her vocal technique isnt going to kill her, nor anyone else." You seem very hung up on this smoking comparison, don't you? I've stated the reasons behind the comparisons, yet you continue on..

    " I dont think ive ever made excuses for anyone?" You've made several for Xtina, saying that because she doesn't care and that because she is an entertainer, one shouldn't care about her poor singing.

  45. The proper thing to do when you don't know someone's pronouns is to ask, and of course Macabre seems unisex, it's an adjective, even though it is borrowed from French, adjectives don't have a gender.

    " Also, because you were such a bitch I made the assumption. So, I apologize, my bad." That was probably meant to be a clever insult, right? All it did was paint you to be a bit of a misogynist, congrats. I take no insult in being called mis-termed as a woman (which you find synonymous with bitch).

    I don't find it debatable, in all honesty I was helping you. It's obvious English isn't your first language, you were using slang incorrectly so I decided to help you out. No one uses "girl" the same way they use "gurl", the intention of it is completely lost. Just a pointer.

  46. de·fend
    resist an attack made on (someone or something)

    If I'm being defensive, then you're saying one of/both of you are attacking me? I didn't want to bring the dictionary in to this, but since that Ricky fellow seems so fond of it, why not? :)

  47. Woops





    used or intended to defend or protect.

    resist an attack made on (someone or something)

    If I'm being defensive, then you're saying one of/both of you are attacking me? I didn't want to bring the dictionary in to this, but since that Ricky fellow seems so fond of it, why not? :)

  48. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan18 October 2013 at 18:02

    Naw hon. Don't keep making assumptions. You have no idea what I meant. But apparently you think you do. I don't hate women. I just hate women who behave like bitches. (In this case, you almost fit in that criteria).

    Your desperate attempt to use the dictionary trick when replying Brian, seemed very pointless and desperate as an attempt to (somehow?) throw insults. But... it's funny when I get bashed using it and yet you, knowingly think that it is lame, still uses it. That paints a very vivid picture of what kind of a person you are.

    Again, I will use whatever I please. It's a freaking slang for crying out loud. Does it really bother you that much? REALLY?

  49. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan18 October 2013 at 18:06

    lacking interest or excitement.

    lacking brightness, vividness, or sheen.

  50. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan18 October 2013 at 18:08

    Where are my manners! Thank you for teaching me a new word today.

    disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury.

  51. The funny thing is that you think this actually insults me.
    I choose the word, knowing the meaning of it.
    Am I supposed to feel some kind of anger and hurt?
    Keep trying kid.

  52. If you notice, above the paragraph about your grammar, there are two other paragraphs as well. So no, I can and have said more about you than your bad grammar :)

  53. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan18 October 2013 at 18:43

    You pretty much ended it at "don't say such things"

    And the second paragraph was completely ignored because I have already said, I wasn't even trying. But to you I guess I was. Oh well. I was bored of you since the very beginning with all those bitter posts.

    Oh honey.

  54. bit·ter
    having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.

    people or their feelings or behavior) angry, hurt, or resentful because
    of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.

    Sorry, doesn't apply. Learn the meaning of words before you use them. Child, you don't bother me, but feel free to run along. I don't have the patience to deal with a "cliché little boy" .

  55. The reason is because we haven't heard actually good technique from Christina in literally 14 years. So don't be surprised that anyone who's been putting up with the screaming, grunting, and growling of a badly tuned dying cat is relieved when suddenly, there's this peaceful, beautiful sound.

  56. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan19 October 2013 at 12:41

    I'm actually praising you for knowing yourself so well. Why the hell are you viewing everything I say as something insulting or "trying" to insult you? Seriously?

  57. Yes, people just don't understand the different ways she can use her voice. It took me sometime to see too, AS A HUGE fan. But it's there, when she wants to use it that way.

  58. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan19 October 2013 at 16:46

    Always knew she could do a lotta stuff with it.. Just that she chooses to stick with that growl. >_>

  59. omg 3:02 sounds horrible.

  60. 'Always feeling the need to comment on something when people are
    applauding Xtina, even though it's "just the basics of singing".'

    I've been here 2 days, way to throw out the hyperboles.

    "I seriously need to stop replying you, because it seems like all you can
    say at the end of your reply is call other people anything that is
    similar with "child" or some sort. And calling me cliché... lmfao... Oh,
    no. That's not an attack. Or anything near an "insult". You feel the
    need to point out every single detail like I wanted to "attack" you or
    some sort when I don't even care. No one asked if I bothered you. No one
    cares." You called yourself a cliche child, it's on the "about me" of your profile. I simply expressed that I don't have time for someone who labels themselves as such.

    Whatever dude, this has been a good laugh. Auf wiedersehen :)


  62. I am afraid you missed the criticism there. Allow me to explain..I am sure one can find 3 and 4 seconds snippets of Aquilera sounding good enough to satisfy her critics in just about any performance. ( if they are still capable of being somewhat rational that is. And honest enough to admit it)
    You probably can from just about any singer alive.

    It is imo both ridiculous to draw positive conclusions from that and ridiculous to grasp so hard for a chance to spread some hate that one actually bothers to seriously discuss 3/4 second snippets of anybody.

  63. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan20 October 2013 at 03:12

    Another idiot who doesn't know what stans do. Oh well. I'm not even defending Christina at this point.

  64. Seriously, I so tired of this f-HOE. I think Christina really thinks she's got on the Golden level where the great singers stand. She's nothing. The woman can't even write a song, and keeps on waiting for the next big thing to happen. As a vocalist, I can even say she's not that bad - I've heard worst -, but, as an ARTIST, she's so poor and lasy. On a recent video on youtube, this f-HOE said that she HAD TO ADMIT that Mariah is "a good song writer", implying that's the only good thing about Mariah. Oh, hell! This F-Hoe is so lost in the game.


    Was that a mixed belt? (I think it was. Christina is unconsciously mixing. lol)

  66. Very true. Although if you look at this video, you will hear that Christina does intentional mixed belts as well. I mean, she can do it, it's just a testament of- "will she do it continuously."


  68. I really like that your vocabulary is expanding. From "hoe" to "f-HOE." Inspiring.

  69. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan21 October 2013 at 03:22

  70. Oh, I got the criticism, and it is valid. I'm just saying that because this is literally the rarest of all the opportunities, as Christina has not sung in connected head voice since 1999, it does merit some consideration as a "WAIT, WHAT DID SHE DO?!" moment. As for the sheer amount of passion that people have, that I don't understand and agree with you that this belongs more in the "Free for All Friday" discussions more than a full article.

  71. Still fail to see how 3 seconds of anything is worthy of discussion. I really don't see why that is a "wait, what did she do" moment.
    obviously others do and it baffles me all I am saying. :-)

  72. Seriously? You feel this warrants shouting?
    IMO It's an absolutely generic tune in a generic treatment with a blindingly mind numbingly meaningless unimaginative lyric.

  73. I'm sure that I can hear a short B2, I can hear the E3 too at the end but a little back when she does a "hmmm" like sound seems like a B2.

  74. But I may be wrong my ear isn't that good to pitch lows, I always end using a tone generator to compare & find them.

    I hope that Tomimomi do a showcase for it, he always finds hidden harmonized lows that no one can hear till they see his video haha.

  75. Her range is 3 octaves...when are you going to update it?

  76. You don't like a Gag song? I'm! ;-)

  77. Are you claiming it is not generic tune, generically treated and unimaginative lyrics???LOL
    Sure the vocals are fine. Though I think there's nothing special about Gaga's vocals...I have never denied that generally there's not much fault with those either.

    Generic songs and okay vocals that aren't really special in any way don't seem to me something to almost literally shout about though. Was my point. (and mainly so because Jeremiah is often picking on my comments. Thought I'd return the favor ;-D )

  78. HauntinglyHollow21 October 2013 at 21:08

    Backing vocals !! those lows sound so good !!

  79. I think she really does know how to mix (or maybe she is subconsciously mixing without knowing as you say) - there have been a few times where she's mixed perfectly well without any or little strain (although it could be "rasp").

  80. You have no idea what you're talking about. She may not be a songwriter (as in a composer) but she's a good lyricist and is an artist - the number of genres and topics she's covered over the years - some generic pop stars (*cough* Britney *cough* have barely done 2 or 3 different genres or sub-genres in the past - and people she's worked with (Linda Perry, DJ Premier, Sia and Ladytron for example, have all complimented her for her perfectionism, artistry, songwriting skills and musical knowledge). And also she's never implied the only good thing about Mariah is that she's a good songwriter - she's praised her countless times for being an amazing vocalist and inspiration to her to on many levels.

  81. There are quite a few videos of her singing using proper technique (or at least trying to apply them) on an entire song from recent years - the performances may not be 100% perfect but they're far from as dire as a lot of people think most of them are, and a lot of good ones are clips of her coaching on The Voice and a few full performances where the standard is overall good.

  82. "Light Up The Sky" - a couple of seconds of connected head voice - yes it's a just a short bit and in the studio, but she did it and it's proper head voice. I half-agree that this may not be worthy of a full article but it shows DD's compassion towards the promise X shows here that most of her voice is still in tact and she can restrain and control herself and use proper techniques.

  83. For someone who just loved Bangerz, ya sure have a refined taste to claim that DWUW is


    Anyway, like you said it's your opinion.

  84. Simply because it's such a rare occasion is all. If something doesn't happen for a really long time, it's usually a bit more interesting than if it happens all the time. Consider - someone saying 'CHRISTINA USED GOOD TECHNIQUE!' as opposed to the statement 'BEYONCE USED GOOD TECHNIQUE!' Which one has more impact?

  85. Her standard for technique is low enough that when she uses good head voice for 3 seconds, it's a surprise. I know that her technique is getting better when she refrains from using a screaming belt, but that's not terribly often.

  86. isnt simply playing them on piano easier ? :D

  87. i hear E3 only there are only higher notes before :) at least i hear it like that...

    On the description Tomi says that the range is F#3-F#5

  89. Very true. Aguilera is one of those singers that although has quite the potential hasn't used it in the correct form for the past, well, almost never! Since her debut, Aguilera has strained her voice which baffles me, considering she could barely belt out a proper D5 during those days but soon enough, through enough strain she could belt out a D5 no problem. Her career has spanned for over 2 full decades (counting her Disney days) and she has strained her voice for 2 decades. It's a miracle how she can still sing (at least while coaching and sometimes un-televised performances) which just shows how much stamina her voice possesses and just how powerful her voice really is. If Aguilera had used here voice properly, she would not be having these problems and would be singing till she died.

  90. well i stay unimpressed; it was too short to tell that she has really learned the ropes of a vocalist. and it's really obvious that the strains she has produced years ago until now is a part of her "Vocal Style" and i think the reason why she produce those strains is that she constricts her chords. Mariah does it to achieve the pristine, clear belt but it's not that safe since it creates tension and since xtina does something WRONG to make her voice sound bigger that causes huge tension, added the tension of the constriction, thus the strain was invented! LOL and now it has taken toll to her voice. anyway goodluck to her.

  91. On me..neither has much impact. That's the point. And I think on the world at large neither has much impact.

    Most people in this world don't know and don't care about "good technique". They care whether it sounds good to them.
    Both women millions of people think.."sounds good to me" . I doubt an equal number of people are discussing 3 seconds of singing..properly executed technically or not.
    For one thing..they are all way too busy discussing Miley's tongue. ;-)

  92. Actually Mariah has said many times and her mother confirmed, that she (her mother) was indeed Mariah's voice teacher. I think the consensus around here is that Mariah's voice was over worked due to extensive touring that made her nodules worse. During her prime Mariah had great technique in all of her voices.

  93. DD blocked THE WORD to me, so I had to come up with a new and better one. Shut the F... up!!!!!!!

  94. Well she's said before on radio that her voice doctor informed her that the way she sings is unusual, as she has plenty of nodules but somehow manages to sing through and around them. Basically her whistles are a controlled effort of a vocal "screw up" that results in a unique and airy tone.

  95. Sorry, man. Only in your dreams. Christina is lazy.

  96. She's said on talk radio before that her doctor informed her that the way she sings is quite unique. She manages (or used to) to sing around and through her nodes. What do you make of that?


  98. I have no idea but clearly those 3 seconds shouldn't have come as such a huge surprise to some as it did. :-)

  99. Bright timbre, medium sound output.

    Light lyrics also posses a bright timbre, however their volume is smaller and their voices tend to be more agile, as the voice is lighter and lends itself easier to such vocalisms.

  100. In her prime — near perfect.
    Her technique nowadays is good, however her top register is a bit damaged.

    The core of her voice is still intact, the chest voice is still very healthy.

  101. That is a rumour that has been spread around for ages with no actual sources.

  102. watch this! i love when she sings while coaching

  103. The top is probably damaged because she taught herself how to sing in whistle, thus without technique. I bet she knows where she has to improve, maybe there is a pinch of hope to those magnificent high notes.

  104. I'm not talking about the whistle register, her whistle register is perfectly fine, her technique and skill up there is almost peerless. I was referring to her top belted notes.

  105. Mariah is quite a good lip syncer, I'll give you that. But she can't help it. She's a very "hit or miss" singer, she'll either perform extremely well or she'll lip sync: Because of her nodes, if she can't sing extremely well, she'll have to lip sync because her voice would give way immediately. Anyway, even if she lip synced that interview (still what the hell), she would've only been lip syncing to her own voice, which still means she can hit that note.

  106. That isn't it, at all. Mariah's voice succumbed to the vocal nodules she was born with. That's all it was. It isn't that Mariah's technique diminished, the nodules were gradually limiting her capacity. It's very sad really. Whistle Register isn't to blame. She accessed the whistle register perfectly. There was no tension, pinching, closing the throat, or limited support. The Whistles were accessed properly, projected well, & had a clear quality, unlike some people's "whistle register". Mariah's aware of what she has to do, she's simply afraid of losing her voice in the process of getting the nodules removed. Same issue with me, sadly. But I'd be damned if I'll let some doctor ruin my voice the way they did with Julie Andrews. I feel where Mariah's coming from. Her fear is what got in the way of "bettering" the condition of her chords & quite naturally the nodules took their course. There's a chance, if she gets surgery, she'll be able to access those higher notes again.

  107. Mariah is THE Coloratura Soprano. She isn't simply some Lyric. She holds almost all of the attributes of a truly phenomenal voice.


  109. Exactly.Highly developed Lower Register (as a natural LYRIC), resonant mid register with exceptional sound out put. And need I mention the upper register or Whistle? This woman epitomizes a true Vocal Deity. That's why I find it hilarious when people claim Ariana's, really? That's comparing a snail to a Race Horse. Unbelievable lol

  110. Hello...

    I am "Matt Beilis" - Please subscribe to my YouTube page. Thank you so much.

    There are 50 other video's of me singing many different songs on my page but this is just one of them.

    Here is a video of me singing "Kings Of Leon's - Use Somebody".

    How would you classify my voice? I've been singing professionally for almost two years now and I've never really cared until recently. [Your comment above shows that you're quite knowledgeable with vocal classifications]

  111. Bb2-D#7?? That's amazing!

  112. I was listening to her performing back in 1993 at thanksgiving special, her voice was perfection at it's peak. And guys what do you think of Memoirs of an imperfect angel? Was it a good album and did it really deserve to flop?

  113. Mariah was really a Lyric Coloratura in her prime. Her incredible agility in every register of her voice is evidence of this

  114. Great, great, great, great, rasp! Thick but light weight timbre. Your timbre is that of a tenor but you're placed like a baritone. That may be because you choose to artistically deliver upon that gorgeous rasp of yours which in return only allows you to carry your voice up to baritonal heights. Your falsetto is considerably thinner than your modal register which leads me to believe you are a very light weight but dark colored tenor. I think you just happen to be one of those rare light-lyric tenors. Ask Sasuke because he's more versed in males than I am.

  115. She was but that was referring to her skill set rather than her her timbre. She wields her instrument with precision and has a great ability to plot out melisma's nimbly which makes her a coloratura but the high and bright, girly timbre, the small the medium sound output and the facile ornamentation makes her. The definition of a light lyric. Her inteligence and musicianship made her a coloratura. Sorry for my hollowness in the above comment

  116. Dat nigga Sasuke don't know SHEEEEET. Males can be even trickier than females 'cause most of 'em, unlike Matt, try to be Tenors. A lot over stretching their tract & positioning their larynx to artificially colour their timbres for a preferred tone & due to their naturally more masculine timbres, it's harder to figure out.

    This guy, LLT. Whereas I do believe there're more facets to his voice, what he's so far displayed seems to reflect that of a LLT. It's that his lower register is used in a very hollow fashion. If he were to showcase more feats in the lower register then I can verify his fach accurately.

  117. Real talk though lol But for a LLT, don't you find A Minor & B-flat a bit uncharacteristic? Even for LLT?

  118. Yeah, because for me, I only get hallow from F# and down. It seems like really shouldn't be able to go lower than F# but I still can. And I noticed that most LLTs stop at G#2/A2 before they have to rely on mixing with fry.

  119. What's so "unique" about her?

  120. She uniquely continues to be known as "greatest singer today" in spite of not really having done better than average for the last 10 years.

  121. You know, now that I've been thinking about it, it's quite possible for him to be a Lyric Baritone. The key of A minor says a lot, & not being able to sing in the Tenor Tessitura is very indicative of Baritone. There are Tenors with timbres similar to his, but it's not all that common. He does have a darker timbre in comparison to the average Tenor. In fact, timbres like that are often heard in Baritones, Lyric Baritones. Then, there are Tenors - low Tenors - who sing into Baritone area but essentially lack the weight, richness, and/or the timbre (sometimes). Him, he's got the weight, timbre & tessitura & sings in keys that are intrinsically Baritone territory. The only thing that made me say LLT is 'cause his 2nd Octave access is hollow, but maybe that's stylistic choice, you know? But yes, Lyric Baritone doesn't seem all that unlikely taking his characteristics into account. Besides, there is such thing as an underdeveloped voice, and that often distorts one's ability to perceive things accurately. I'm gonna go ahead and say he's a Lyric Baritone.

  122. Well, you know much, much, much more about male vocals than me so I'l following your lead. Some dark and low tenors I've came across seem to either lose weight rather quickly upon ascending to a F4 and up or (lose thickness). In rare cases some lose neither and just get incredibly bright. In other cases, they are able to navigate the tenor tessitura with a manly color, not getting that boyish brightness often associated with tenors. IMHO, those are the baritones, like Fred Hammond and Marvin Sap. Also, you need to introduce me to more baritones in pop so I can get better at classing men. LOL.

  123. True. I think her voice was somewhat permanently damaged after the '96 Daydream tour - it hasn't really been the same since IMO. After years of non-stop recording and performing WITH nodules, though, I think the damage is almost inevitable.
    But the 'legend' status comes from her peak years. Current-day Mariah's vocals are better than average at most, but 90s-Mariah I consider a queen among singers. The range, the timbre, the style, the different colors of her voice were and are still unique and influential to singers today.

    As I said before, I agree that she hasn't been up to par for some time. But she's still making music and doing what she loves despite a tired and damaged voice, and I give her some credit for that (even though I think she should take a long break and rest her voice).

  124. I'm her newest fan :D I really love her music I finished listening to Memoirs if an imperfect angel and now I'm listening to E=MC2 and they are pretty much amazing, dunno y I haven't heard of her til this year, she has quite a talent...

  125. My remark went to what her fans claim (see anonymous above). Not to Mariah's efforts.
    Though personally I think she shows poor judgment in not adjusting her material to her present ability and to use all the pretense (and yes, I agree she is far from the only one using those tricks)

  126. No it didn't deserve to flop, I think it's a great album that shows her artistry and many of her abilities...

  127. In my personal opinion, I believe that Mariah Carey fell victim to a
    'Vocal Haemorrhage' during the "Daydream" era, which caused her
    nodules to become much thicker, because her voice has, more or less, never been
    the same since.

    These are the stages that Mariah Carey's voice has/have gone through
    since her debut (Via. a Comment on her Facebook Fanpage):

    1990 - 1993: "Rich & Resonant" = Dark/Heavy Low Register. Full
    & Thick Mid-Register. Bright Upper-Register. Extremely Strong Head
    Voice/Whistle Register.

    1994 - 1996: "High & Light" = Dark/Heavy Low-Register.
    Full & Thick Mid-Register. Very Bright/Crystalline Upper-Register. Exceedingly
    Strong Head Voice/Whistle Register. - Her
    voice was at its BEST during this time.

    1997 - 2000: "Raspy & Husky" = Dark/Heavy Low-Register.
    Full/Thick Mid-Register. Fairly Strained Upper-Register. Strong
    Head Voice/Whistle Register. (Prominent
    Use Of Whisper Vocals)

    2001 - 2005: "Husky & Coarse" = Dark/Heavy Low Register.
    Fairly Full/Thick Mid-Register. Highly Weak & Strained Upper-Register. Poor
    Head Voice/Whistle Register. (Much More Prominent
    Use of Whisper Vocals) - Her voice
    was at its WORST during this time.

    2006 - 2009: "Dry & Deep" = Dark/Heavy Low-Register.
    Fairly Full/Thick Mid-Register. Mildly Strained Upper Register. Strong Head
    Voice/Whistle Register. (Constant use of
    Whisper Vocals)

    2010 - Present: "Thin & Nasal" = Dark/Heavy Low Register.
    Fairly Full/Thick Mid-Register. Mildly Strained Upper-Register. Partially Strong Head
    Voice/Whistle Register. (Balanced Use Of Chest
    & Whisper Vocals)

    Agree or Disagree?

  128. Mariah isn't a dramatic ANYTHING (except sometimes as a joke). Her voice is actually pretty small. The reason that it can sound so vast is thanks to her brilliant resonance - a great operatic comparison would be Sumi Jo, who is also a lyric coloratura. Both have that same girly, bird-like, small sound, and yet both of them simply blaze through other singers through sheer resonance. Learn what on Earth you're talking about, and find a real dramatic coloratura.

  129. I agree, though she only went above E5 a hand full of times. She's still a soprano but is placed much more mezzo-like now. If I recall her range as of 2010 to the present is Bb2-D#7.

  130. What are the characteristics of a lyric soprano?

  131. Well, when you associate bitches to women, and then use bitch in a negative context, one can draw the conclusion that you have a negative view of women. If you don't want to be viewed that way, don't say such things :)

    You're talking about desperate attempts at insults, yet that is all your comments to me have been to me. Back to back ad hominem, in the attempt of gaining some kind of victory?

    No, it doesn't bother me, the thing that really bothers me is your poor grammar. I really hope you've only been speaking English for a relatively short time, because you are butchering one of the easiest languages (when it comes to grammar).

  132. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan8 November 2013 at 14:14

    Always feeling the need to comment on something when people are applauding Xtina, even though it's "just the basics of singing". You think she gets waaaay too much attention than what she deserves. Go ahead and show me just how mellow of a person you are by bashing Christina over and over again. .

    "Barking is a more appropriate term for that labored sound she barely manages to produce."
    "It is pitiful how she is being lauded for not sounding like her usual mess of a self."

    I seriously need to stop replying you, because it seems like all you can say at the end of your reply is call other people anything that is similar with "child" or some sort. And calling me cliché... lmfao... Oh, no. That's not an attack. Or anything near an "insult". You feel the need to point out every single detail like I wanted to "attack" you or some sort when I don't even care. No one asked if I bothered you. No one cares.

    No idea why you think I'm on Christina's team all this while when all I said in the beginning was that just because you think technicality is a necessity for a singer, doesn't mean the rest of us have same opinions. We all have different expectations and opinions. No idea why you have to be so defensive and view everything as an attack/insult to you when I'm just pointing out my opinion just as well as you did yours.

    I honestly am done with whatever you think we're doing. I have much better things to do past this point. Gonna show some love rather than hate this time. Bye! xoxo

  133. And to illustrate. I couldn't care less how technically perfect or imperfect this is. To me, this sounded great. Even to the point that i didn't even mind Tony Bennet as Christina's fire easily offset that dude's utter blandness.

  134. I didn't know she could do that. Props to her. Now if only she wasn't only yelling in chest voice in her songs...

  135. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan8 November 2013 at 14:14

    Awww, how cute. Now all you can say about me is my bad grammar?

    No, I wasn't even trying. But if you think they are something worth mentioning... Hm...


  137. GEEEEEEEEEEEEEENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I completely agree.

    I think her nodules have become worst over time - SADLY.

    But, at least, she can still sing, so...

  138. Everybody! If you want proof that Mariah still has somewhat of a strong voice left, just look up her performing "Fly Like a Bird" live. Yes, she has lipped it a few times but there are a few performances you can find which are 100% live, and they're absolutely awesome.

  139. Age has really gotten the best of her vocal skills.

  140. Well she could sound like Etta if she yelled more, smoked, drank, and did heroin.

    I was totally not serious I hope she does not do that. I love you Etta! all in fun.

  141. I agree there are so many colors to her voice...

    She has had moments of grand, ''its a mans world was not perfect but still managed to get voted one of the best grammy's performance history"

  142. People are beating a dead horse specially that hater macabre...

    She will never sing in his standards so i don't understand why he still trolls her vids..

  143. Primo Uomo Assoluto16 November 2013 at 06:58

    It shows potential, but notice the lack of coordination between her upper-middle mix and her middle-low. It's not a smooth transition.

  144. Primo Uomo Assoluto19 November 2013 at 15:59

    Etta never sounded so disgustingly strained as Christina usually does

  145. Primo Uomo Assoluto19 November 2013 at 16:02

    Are people deaf? she was pitchy as hell!


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