IT'S HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!! With her hand forced by the threat of the full song being leaked, Lady Gaga has released her comeback single Applause a full week early! Lucky us! Now if I were you, I'd listen to the iHeartRadio exclusive below before you read on. I'd hate to colour your judgement.
Okay you guys are going to hate me for even mentioning her name in this post, but is anyone else hearing Madonna's Girl Gone Wild in this? Believe me when I say I didn't go into this with even a thought of the Material Girl, but that song- which I haven't revisited since the video premièred in March of last year- pinged into my head the second Applause got to its chorus. It's not anything major, more a vague similarity, but I'd be interested to read if any of you heard it too.
Ignoring that, I like it. Gaga was never going to go back to straight pop (like many hoped)- that would have been too obvious a retreat after Born This Way-so the dance floor was the next logical step for the singer. And it's a move that totally works for her.
However, the single marks the first time Gaga could be seen to be chasing a sound rather than leading from the front or trying to innovate. Something to worry about perhaps for those who look to her for originality. Not me though, I'm glad she's not trying so hard this time around. From the cocky lyrics, to the stylised vocal, this is the "fun" Gaga we needed after the
Now I await the video, which let's be honest is almost as important as the song itself where Gaga is concerned. When I see that, the ARTPOP era will truly have started
Rating: B-