This is not the sound I was expecting MKS (Mutya Keisha Siobhan) to be launching their return to music with, so colour me surprised! I'm just not sure whether it's a good surprise or not at this moment.
Definitely sounding maturer than their last outing together- hardly a shock considering that was over ten years ago- new single Flatline sees the ladies taking an 80's pop route that initially brought to mind Fleetwood Mac's Big Love. However as the song played out, it quickly becomes less reminiscent and more contemporary, oozing the freshness that was/still is so synonymous with trio.
Producer, Dev Hynes has done a beautiful job with the song's arrangement: balancing it so it's structurally interesting throughout, but left with enough sonic space for the ladies to implement their brand of killer vocals (which are stunning!). The overall effect is one of quiet beauty, rather than that which smacks you around the head with its plumage, and that's where I worry because the song doesn't come off as immediately radio friendly. Their name alone should be enough to get Flatline on heavy rotation- which is half the battle won- but it's still undoubtedly a risky choice for a first single.
Cool, well constructed and exceptionally sung ( I especially love Siobhan's part in the bridge), Flatline is pretty great; it's just not as strong a first single as I was hoping. Still, critics are going nuts for it, so, fingers crossed, that's a positive sign of impending success for this overdue reunion.
Rating: B