Vocal Type: Lyric Tenor
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves 2 notes and a semitone(F#2-B5)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses:Justin Timberlake possesses a light, youthful and warm voice that is agile and capable of executing vocal runs [Hear: Pop, Gone]. Thanks in part to its lightness, as well as the varied textures that are found throughout its range, the voice lends exceptionally well to harmonising both with itself and with others. Not just restricted to singing, he also is able to manipulate the voice to recreate percussive instruments, demonstrating this "beatboxing" on various tracks [Hear: Pop, Cry Me A River ].
Timberlake's lower range extends into the second octave and he demonstrates surprising comfort while navigating it. Here the notes are of medium weight, but can be hit with a smooth, soft texture [Harmonies: LoveStoned], or with an almost vocal fry, guttural like ring to them [Harmonies:If I] .
In the third octave the voice begins to lose weight rapidly, and brighten significantly. Its lower half is smoky and rounded, but as it rises it takes on the thin, nasal, almost metallic sound that is characteristic of the voice as a whole.[Hear: (Another Song) All Over Again]
In the belting range the voice becomes stringy, lighter and even thinner. Though not particularly powerful, the voice has a piercing quality that allows for it to remain at the forefront of the track, stopping it from becoming lost or overpowered. In live settings, Timberlake's belting voice can gain a raspy edge, but whether this is due to the voice not being in peak condition at the time or it simply being an artistic choice, is unknown.
Timberlake is perhaps best known for his abilities to sing in falsetto; which starts at the beginning of the fifth octave [C5]. His comfort in this part of the range means he can sing for long periods within it without fatigue, execute melisma here and hold notes without issue. Unlike other male falsettos, which are often airy and light, Timberlake’s has a solid form that shares many characteristics- such as the brassy tone- with the belting range. He is also able to play with the dynamics of falsetto, which adds to the versatility of how he can apply it. [Cry Me A River]
Vocal Negatives: Nasal tone and falsetto heavy singing isn't to everyone's liking. Also there is a disconnect between his modal voice and falsetto which limits how he can navigate these two parts of his voice.