It's finally appeared, people! Ariana Grande’s rumoured material has surfaced and has fans both squealing with excitement and frowning in concern.
The Way is a piano-led pop Rnb record that carries some inspiration from the 90’s- something helped, in a big way, by the use of its sample, Not a Player by Big Pun. The Lyrics are more catchy than well written but what more can be expected of a children’s sitcom star?
Ariana’s vocals are both very light and airy but also full and resonant, with some instances of whistle register at the songs climax. However, the vocals are also what some may label "bothersome" because although the singer has shown us, in live performances, a glimpse of the character her own voice possesses, this record doesn't build on that, instead being extremely “Mariah Carey-esque” in its delivery.
This could be seen as both good and bad for the young singer. Ultimately it shows Ariana is a very capable vocalist, I mean you'd have to be to emulate Mariah. But, there's also a danger of being branded a "cheap knock-off" if she fails to establish her own sound and keeps trying to mimic other singers.
Even so, The Way is a great first attempt and should do its job of building recognition for the budding popstar as it's undeniably a catchy song! It just needs more Ariana in it and less "Song Bird Supreme" (AKA Mariah).
Rating: C+
Thanks to Brian [better known as "Flylikeabrian" on this site] for penning the review!