Thursday, 14 March 2013

[Music Video] Taylor Swift Goes All Hipster In The Video For "22"

As much as I love Taylor Swift's album Red, new single 22, which has just been given the video treatment, isn't my cup of tea at all. The video makes it crystal clear it's not aimed at me and my crusty old male self anyway, so I don't feel so bad about us not being besties. (If you want to know the affect all this exposure to pep and youthful exuberance had on me, just check out this video; it's a pretty spot on representation of  my reaction).

The whole thing does make me wonder why Tay keeps releasing songs that encourage the public perception that all she does is bang on about old flames in her music- something which I know not to be true. But I suppose if it's what's selling for her, who cares what the public is saying or thinking; their opinion isn't what's responsible for all that currency bloating her bank account.

Still, there are going to be people out there who will enjoy this, and I thought I'd post it for you guys and gals to get your T-Swizzle kicks for the day! Enjoy.

taylor swift cat ears gif

And A Live Version @ Comic Relief.

Buy Me A Coffee
Fanks babes