Sunday, 10 February 2013

[Vocal Profile] Delta Goodrem

Delta Goodrem

Vocal Type: Lyric Soprano
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves notes (D3-D6)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Delta Goodrem possesses a naturally agile and fulsome soprano voice. Marked by a direct yet rounded and clean tone, the entirety of the range is known to be void of any harshness or crackling in its tone.

The lower end of the range is husky and velvety, whilst still being reasonably audible- a rare feat for most sopranos. This part of the voice is also marked by a darkness in timbre not evident in any other part of the range

The middle section is surprisingly confident and rich, which adds a warmth to the tone, while her distinct intonation marks it as instantly identifiable. Her fourth octave register retains a velvety texture and is well connected to her lower range, ensuring a fluidity right from the bottom to the top.

Goodrem, however, comes into her own with her upper belts and head-voice. This part of the range adds a soft and full penetrating timbre, that is of a healthier quality than that produced in the lower extremes of the voice. Her belts, taken from C5 right up to G5, are robust, clean and delivered by an even and striking vibrato. Of her head-voice, accessed from approx A 5/ B5, it would be classified as warm, illuminating and potent in quality.

Overall, Delta has a strong and characterful voice which traverses its higher regions with what appears to be great ease, all whilst producing a pleasurable and healthy sound throughout the registers (bar the extreme lows). The result is a voice that has both a high standard of musicality and natural raw ability.

Vocal Negatives: Some have described the tone in Delta Goodrem's upper registers to be slightly whiny and immature at times, often as if she is crying in a high tone. Also as the voice is clean of grit and lacking in overt power it has been claimed she is somewhat “boring” to listen to vocally.

Delta Goodrem's D6 at the end:

Thanks to Stuey for writing this profile!
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