Kimbra Johnson
Vocal Type: Lyric Soprano
Vocal Range: 4 Octaves 1 note and a semi-tone (C#3-D#7)
Whistle Register:Yes
Vocal Pluses: Kimbra's voice isn't like that of a powerhouse Diva, but instead its strength lies in its unique timbre and the the quirky jazz-inspired way she wields it.
Her low notes are not well supported (though an artistic decision) but are still characterful and identifiable [as demonstrated by the A#2 in Somebody Please]. She's at her most comfortable between the notes F3-C5; where the voice has a surprising warmth, tinges of smokiness, and a delicate quality [Hear: Limbo].
Overall her voice is head-dominate, which is perhaps why the weight of the voice is so light. In this upper-register, Kimbra exhibits much freedom, being able to navigate it easily and effortlessly [Settle Down] and able to jump from a belt to a head-voice note with impressive dexterity.
Her belting range shares this dexterity-she can jump from a F3-F#5 in elastic and energetic bouts [Hear: Call Me]. However, as the voice climbs past A4 it drops weight quickly, becoming lighter but brighter and steelier in tone. To give the upper belts more substance Kimbra often layers and incorporates them within harmonies, or uses studio effects to give the sound an "artificially cavernous" one.
Vocal Negatives: Kimbra's voice doesn't carry much weight, which is surprisingly light considering how dark her tessitura is (F3-D5). Her chest voice also has a tendency to sound "throaty", which, in combination with her unusual vibrato and quirky styling, may not be to everyone's taste.
Whistle @ 4:18
Thanks Black Robin (This is the name he comments with on DD) for help with the write up and creating the video itself!