Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Lipped or Not: Mariah Carey "Top of the Mountain" concert

mariah ski suit ischgl

Already in Europe celebrating her Wedding anniversary, it was a short trip for Mariah Carey to make to get over to Ischgl, Austria, to perform at the Top of the Mountain concert to mark the closing of the ski season. Courtesy of Mariahjournal.com we have a few videos, one of Shake It Off and another of fan favourite, Without You, to share with readers.

While I wait for the other videos to make themselves known to the world via Youtube, I pose a simple question to you canny readers: were parts of these songs lipped, or were they entirely live?

Comment below with your reasons why you think either way.

UPDATE:  After hearing the rest of the concert let me now put my marker in the sand. Make It Happen  was a performance that was fully live, in my opinion, and it's the key to unravelling this conundrum. Note how the higher octave belts were rough and coarse, but full and with changeable dynamics. They contrasted greatly to the sustained and high belted notes of songs like Without You, Always Be My Baby and Shake It Off , which were light, crystal clear, but had the same constant volume to them and none of the hoarseness. This is where I think the backing track took over for Mariah. If she was singing those parts live, then why were the Make it Happen belts so markedly different in tone and timbre?

The reason for her (alleged) use of a backing track on certain tracks and not others I don't understand, but the contrast between belting in performances was so great I can't believe she was responsible for all the vocals on the day.

But whatever, it sounds like she's becoming more experimental with her voice and having much more fun on stage- listen to the end of I'll Be There  or the way she played around with the melody in My All- and that makes me happy! It's about time Mariah Carey let her hair down and started enjoying herself: she's got nothing more to prove to anyone.

mariah carey animated gif

Without You:

Shake It Off:



Underneath The Stars:

Make It Happen:

I'll Be There:

Always Be My Baby:

It's Like That:

We Belong Together:

Love Hangover/Heartbreaker

My All

Touch My Body

Buy Me A Coffee
Fanks babes