Tuesday, 20 March 2012

[Vocal Profile] Alicia Keys

Vocal Type: Mezzo
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves and a semitone Bb2-B5
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Strengths: Alicia Keys is capable of singing complex vocal runs, through the registers, and is able to hold notes for periods of time without wavering in pitch or tone [Fallin'].

The lower range is easily accessed and is supported, dark and of some weight [How To Save A Life]. Unlike other singers, who become foggy, the voice remains attributable at the lower extremes with a clear ring. At the bottom there is a slight breathy quality, but the voice is comfortable and clear despite the lowered larynx.

Alicia Keys' midrange is sweet and warm, with a smokiness and slight rasp to it. There is a dual aspect to this part of the range. She can sing in a hot, breathy style that is soft and wistful [In Common]. Or, though still warm in colour, she can make the timbre rounder and more in keeping with the fuller sound of the whole range [Karma]. Her voice sounds at its most easiest here.

The belting range is weighty and thick and often shares the smoky quality of the lower range. The notes above the fifth octave are most often reached with a chest-dominate mix, and the resulting tone has a good dynamic, fuller sound and a raw edge [Girl On Fire]. Alicia Keys does have versatility here and can alter her belt, shifting it to a head-dominate position [ How Come You Don't Call Me]. The result is a sound that is purer in tone and smoother in timbre, but this comes at the expense of power and fullness.

The head voice is pure and bright with a weight and warmth [Adore]. She is also able to sing in a falsetto-like tone that is light, airy, soft and lends itself well to harmonies [Empire State Of Mind].  

Vocal Weaknesses: The way Alicia Keys maintains her thicker belting tone, without mixing, could have a negative effect on the voice, ultimately inflaming it and producing a harsher sound.

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