Vocal Range: 3 Octaves (E3-E6)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Strengths: A versatile instrument that be smoky and light or sold and clear depending on what the song calls for. The voice is strongest and healthiest in it's midrange and it includes where she belts best. This is the characterful part of the voice where it finds its consistency, weight and power. Her fifth octave chest register isn't as strong as the midrange but its still capable of producing bright, clear notes with deft mixing of registers. Her head voice is a beautiful addition and harmonises brilliantly, providing textural depth to the vocal depending on how she chooses to implement it: airy and light, or fuller and rounder with an operatic-like tone to it.Though not keen to show it off, Jewel is capable of complex melisma and her excellent breath control means she is capable of holding long sustained notes.
Vocal Weaknesses: Her lower range can sound unhealthy, and pushed.
Must Hear: Amen
Lower Register: