Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Weird: Josh Strickland sounds crazily like Christina Aguilera on track "Last Dance"

Yes its a terrible Photoshop, but I needed a picture.. :D

Sent to a video, via a link, supposedly directing me to a new Christina Aguilera demo entitled Last Dance, I excitedly followed it, eager to hear what direction her and David Guetta- who was credited as the producer on the video- were going to take on their collaboration.

For a moment or two all sounded well, with the lower, talk-singing voice, on the verse sounds uncannily like Ms Aguilera. However, as the voice began to get higher my suspicions were quickly raised that all was not as it seems. "Christina's" voice was sounding unusually thick, rounded and, technique wise, well supported all of a sudden. Had Christina Aguilera finally listened to me, got a vocal teacher and attended school to brush up on her technique? I guessed not, because don't nobody tell Christina what to do, and decided to look into the song on Google.

Transpired that the actual singer is a man- yes, A MAN- named Josh Strickland who was a contestant on season two's American Idol. He then went on to play Tarzan in the Broadway musical. Watch his audition below and take note how oddly he doesn't sound like Christina Aguilera there. Did Last Dance contain Studio trickery, or was he acting to try and sound like her for free publicity from people like me? Who knows? Who even cares? But it was a trippy moment, so I thought I'd share it!

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