Wednesday, 20 July 2011

[Vocal Profile] Ellie Goulding

Ellie Goulding

Vocal Type: Light Lyric Soprano
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves 4 Notes and a semi-tone (A2-F#6)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses:Ellie Goulding owns an extremely distinctive and unique voice. She possesses a wide range of colours and tones within the entirety of said range and quality of the voice has been described as wispy, airy and light in tone and timbre. Her ability to infuse notes with a trademark piercing vibrato, particularly in the upper registers, has also been commented upon, along with her vocal dexterity.

The lower extremities of the range (From A2 - C4) possess a worn, scratchy and almost tired feeling; however this area is used with an adept technique making the notes themselves sound healthy- if somewhat more dulled than the rest of the range. Her enunciation and general tone here displays a genuine, expressive and earthy feel. This area of the range sounds slightly disconnected and differing from the sound of the voice overall.

Goulding's mid-range retains some of the qualities of the lower range but sounds far more audible and cleaner in tone due to the low mid-range retaining a raspy quality. The lower and mid sound well connected despite the differing sounds of the lower and upper ranges. This area is easily accessible for Goulding who manages to traverse through the registers, right up to the top, ornamenting notes and using swift melisma in the process.

The head voice is where Goulding comes into her own. In this area, she displays a more fulsome, piercing, and agile tone. The upper head voice belts sound well supported and incisive in nature yet retain a sweet and warm colouring without ever becoming overbearing or strained (See Dead in the Water). Goulding is also extremely adept at using her trademark coloratura within the upper soprano range, displaying a great sense of physical ability as well as musicality, managing to use ornamentation without gratuitous over singing.

Overall, despite Goulding having only ever obtained lessons in breath control before becoming a professional singer she displays a strong sense of artistry with not only her vocal abilities but with the material for which she writes to fit her voice. This is all whilst seemingly sitting within a healthy technique for the majority of the time. Her voice is very light yet full and clean in tone placing her as a light lyric type due to her extensive versatility and flexibility.

Vocal Negatives: The nature of Goulding's voice can be off-putting to some, as the timbre and colouring of her voice can be somewhat childlike and thus somewhat of an acquired taste. Also the voice can display a strong nasal quality which can permeate the entirety of the range at times. Criticism has also been noted for her live performances, which can be of an erratic and inconsistent quality compared to her studio work, resulting in Goulding being labelled a 'studio' artist. Vocal stamina has also been an issue during the live shows as she often runs out of breath and pushes notes out to create sound by means of incorrect technique.

Many Thanks  Stuey and Spark For updating this!

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