Tuesday, 14 July 2015

[Vocal Profile]Ciara

Vocal Type: Soubrette Soprano/ Light-Lyric Mezzo Soprano
Voice range Studio: (G#2-Bb5) 3 octaves and 1 note
Vocal Range Live: (C3-C#6) 3 octaves and a semi-tone
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Ciara possesses a light/bright nimble voice, capable of intricate runs. Not your typical singer, starting out as a dancer/singer with little to no control over her instrument, she has grown into a singer/dancer with improved breath control, dynamics, tone and power. The Washington Post has said of her voice that she has a "reedy, agile voice, capable of conveying the only 3 emotions (sexy, sassy, and sad) an R&B singer needs".

Her lower register is light and smoky, and she tends to harmonize low notes in a studio setting rather than live. In a live setting Ciara is more comfortable singing within the third octave (C3 and up)[Hear:Backseat Love], but is able to reach the second octave [Lullaby].

Her middle register has a warm quality, and is light and bright [ Overdose ]. Here is where the voice is most comfortable, displaying its versatility with Ciara being able to adopt a speak/sing tone (giving her a more "urban" sound)[ Get Up ]; a pure bright sound [I Bet]; or a thin whispery tone [Hotline].

The belting register has improved greatly- originally being timid and whiny- and has evolved to a light, bright register, with slight huskiness at the upper extremes (F5) when not mixed [Body Party Live]. But she is capable of mixing to reach the upper extremes with more ease [Turn it Up ]. Ciara can also now sustain notes and fully sing while dancing.

The upper registers are light in weight and bright in colour, tending to favour falsetto over head voice in a studio setting [Goodies]. However, Ciara can solidify the tone, adding resonance, thickness and a haughty, operatic like quality [High Price].

Vocal Negatives:Lows can seem thin and airy after C3, while belts can sound whiny and thin (often placed with an uneven mix). She usually opts for falsetto, making it sound shrill and thin

Thanks to Patrick Castillo  for compiling the profile !
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