Sunday, 8 August 2010

Jennifer Hudson - Vocal Profile/ Range

Vocal Type: Mezzo Soprano
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Range: C3-C#6 (3 octaves and a semitone)
Vocal Pluses: An impressive voice that is grounded in the gospel style. Hudson has the ability to hold notes for extended periods of time, without issue or strain, and is even able to do so in the upper extremes of her belting range (Hear: Everybody Needs Love (2.46).

Dark and rich in timbre and tone, the voice has an impressive weight to it (Hear: Where You At). Her midrange is rounded, solid and well connected to the the lower and upper range.

Hudsons' belting range is the strongest part of her voice, in large part due to her excellent mix. Elastic, powerful and with a good dynamic, it remains impressively resonant at higher frequencies( E5-B5).

Vocal Negatives: Under utilised head voice.

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