Wednesday, 23 September 2015

[Vocal Profile] Leona Lewis

Leona Lewis

Vocal Type: Light-Lyric Soprano
Vocal Range: C3 - A5 - Gb6 (3 octaves and a diminished fifth)
Whistle Register: Yes
Vocal Pluses:A light, dexterous and versatile voice, Leona Lewis is capable of fluid and effortless register transitions, holding notes for extensive amounts of time and utilising complicated melisma. As Leona has grown, her voice has increased in musicality, ultimately becoming more distinguishable. Although a thinness is present in the voice, this is balanced by a (signature) heavy, slow and hefty vibrato [Bleeding Love].

Leona has a quiet, feminine lower range that is surprisingly confident. It carries a striking, sombre tone and is often used as the lead register [Hurt], implying an easiness here. Although the voice lacks projection and support at its lowest, it has become easier for the Diva to traverse as she has aged. [The Best and The Worst].

The middle voice is significantly brighter, fulsome and cleaner in colour than the lower range, possessing a lyrical edge that she aptly uses to emphasize emotion [Fireflies]. It has become more rounded in sound over time, and with its solid connection to the rest of the voice, Leona often uses it during multi-octave runs and vocal slides. Ultimately, the mid-range is well developed and a solid part of the voice, known for its power and vulnerability [Better In Time].

Leona is famous for her mid-belt that can be fired back-to-back [Fire Under My Feet] or sustained with her signature vibrato [Collide]. It has a rich, thick texture with a weight to it that conveys resonance and power [Without You]. Despite losing support after Bb4, the voice maintains its form overall, allowing for her to retain some of the qualities of the mid-belt- up to Eb5 mark. After that, the voice severely thins, but retains its vocal dexterity, allowing for vocal runs in the upper fifth octave [Homeless] and phrasing [Happy]. Despite the technique employed here, Leona is able to endure substantial vocal passages here in the 5th octave [You Don’t Care].

The Diva possesses a fulsome, clean and bright falsetto that has developed substantially. It is considered by many to be the most impressive region of the voice. Able to transition easily from the chest voice [Can’t Breathe], execute melisma [A Moment Like This] and even combine these two attributes together [Lady Marmalade], Leona uses this part of her voice to striking effect. So well known is she for her head-voice, the Diva has been labelled “The Queen of High C” [Bleeding Love].

Though able to access a piercing whistle register, where has she shown the ability to execute runs within [Lovin’ You], the Diva more often relies on her extended falsetto to hit high notes.

Vocal Negatives: Control of low notes is shaky and sometimes higher belted notes are reached without mixing, leading to a harsher tone. The vibrato can also sound unwieldy at times.

Thanks to BacktoBlack for the update!

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